The beginning

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Hi, I'm a 13 year old girl named lily and this is my story...
I was at the airport and we were going to America for my granny's eighty th birthday and I saw this really hot guy sitting across from the room.

Jacobs pov
I was at the airport going back to America and I see this really pretty girl and I'm thinking... I have to talk to her so I went in for the gold! I took a deep breath and walked towards her.

Lily's pov
I saw the boy walk towards me and I thought I recognised him from somewhere but I think he saw me staring at him cause I saw him look at me and now he is walking to me! I don't know what to do! What to say!

Jacobs pov
I finally got to the girl and said hey how are u? And she was like....

Lily's pov
He sat next to me, looked me in the eyes and said how are u? I finally recognised him but I screamed so loud I think I burst his ear drum😂 JACOB ITS YOU!!!

Jacobs pov
I laughed and then we looked into each others eyes for a moment until I had to get on my plane

Flight 59 to California is boarding now

Lily's pov
Shit I have to go!!! Before I left I said to Jacob that's my plane I heave to go

Jacobs pov
Damn I have to go! As I'm about to leave I say to the girl I need to go but just as I said it she did too... We are going on the same plane! Nows I have a good chance to flirt on the plane😉

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