Make Me Feel Alive (Larry Stylinson AU)

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**Author's NoteSMUT. HEAVY SMUT NEAR THE END. So I suggest you don't read it if you don't like smut. 

I wrote this on a whim because I haven't read any Larry fics that had them in this kind of scenario and I wanted one so I wrote this. I don't encourage anyone to follow whatever I wrote in this fic. This is based on my experiences with ecstasy, meaning these events actually happened to me (except the smut part. That did NOT happen to me. That part is strictly fiction). I don't enforce the use of the drug either because everyone has a different experience with it. Some have a good time with it but then again some don't.


Also, I put a song on the side if you guys want to hear the first song mentioned in this fic or want to know what it is. It kind of plays a big part of the story so if you give it a listen, that's great! If you don't like EDM then that's okay too. No one's forcing you. Haha.

-anchors_larry <3


If you skipped the author's note, then I suggest you go back and read it because it's important. :)


It was his first time in this kind of situation. He didn't know exactly what he should do but luckily for him, he had his best friend to follow around, kind of like a lost puppy, in a sense.

He wasn't even sure if he should've gone out tonight, but his raven haired friend had managed to convince him to step out of his comfort zone two weeks ago.

"Come on, Harry." His friend said, widening his hazel eyes for emphasis. "When's the next time you're going to see Swedish House Mafia?"

He lowered his emerald eyes to the floor, letting his chocolate brown fringe shield his eyes from his best mate's attempt at doing the puppy dog eyes. He bit his lower lip in contemplation. He still had to study for his accent exam that was part of his linguistic program but he was pretty on top of his class already. And he was in good standing with all of his Uni classes. Besides, it was their last tour before they were going to disband. Harry sighed.

"Alright, fine." He knew he was defeated, but not really, because Swedish House Mafia was one his favorite EDM artists. Besides, what better time to see them than on their last tour in London to finish up their eight year reign? Add to the fact that Krewella--another favorite EDM artist--was opening up for them, so why not kill two birds with one stone? "But," he began.

"No need to finish that sentence, mate. I already got your ticket." His friend smiled, pulling out two folded pieces of paper from his wallet. He held them up proudly for a moment before shoving one of them towards the awestruck Cheshire native. "Don't worry, I didn't pay for yours so there's no need to pay me back."

"Then ho--"

"Gemma." His friend said simply, putting his own ticket back into his wallet. Harry groaned as he put his ticket into his pocket and made a mental note to thank his older sister when she returned from the cinema later that night.


Harry kept a strong hold around his friend's arm as they weaved through the crowd of jumping, sweaty bodies even though they were in an open area.

"Wait, what do I ask again?" Harry asked over the blaring music. Krewella was currently playing, a Pegboards Nerd remix of Alive, and Harry couldn't help but let his body move with it.

"Just say, have you seen my friend Molly?" His friend said, smiling as he noticed the curly haired boy lightly jumping onto the balls of his feet and back onto his heels to the beat of the song.

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