Chapter 9

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The party was fun. I had yet to tell Lex anything about my vision. I didn't feel the need to. Clark saw me and smiled. Lois decided she was going to interrogate Lex. Lana and Jason looked like they were having a great Time together. Of course, they usually did when they were together.

"So having fun here at the mansion," Clark asked making small talk. I nodded.

"Actually yes, but there is something I am not understanding," I said. He asked what it was, "I am having visions when I touch certain items."

He looked at me as though I had said something personal. Oh lord, his mind was in the gutter.

"No Clark I just leaned like actual things, nonsexual, I touched a coin earlier and had a vision," I said. He tilted his head trying to figure that one out.

"So you had a vision when touched a coin, maybe you can do that now your abilities allow it," he said. True but why did they form late? I asked him that question

"Maybe as you get older and your body changes, your power changes, I don't know, but u wouldn't worry about it," Clark said. He was right. I didn't need to worry about my abilities as far as visions go. It was a warning of what would happen. I could stop it.

"EBONY, COME SIT WITH US," Lana yelled across the room. No one was paying attention.

Not long after I sat down, Lex brought himself to view in front of everyone. An arty like this with someone as handsome as Lex as the party host, the night couldn't have gone better. And as far as that goes, I wasn't getting hassled by Clark for being here with Lex.

Lex took one look at me and grinned. His beautiful smooth face glowed with happiness. Lana said something about it too. He'd never been this happy before. Clark agreed but thought it was weird. Chloe eventually told him to just be happy he's finally smiling at something other than his collection of liquor.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention," he began, "On this night, the most extraordinary girl, is going to stand by my side and be known for her greatest achievements at Luthorcorp, she has brought smiles to all of us and could be presumed as one of the most trusted friends you can have."

He didn't know everything. I hated that he thought that of me.

"As I came to know her I realized what an eye she had for buying out large companies and restocking the value they could hold, and with that being said, I want to welcome her to the Luthorcorp company, as a partner and as my best friend."

"Ladies and gentlemen please remember this night is to celebrate her and all she has achieved here at Luthorcorp. Please help me give a very warm welcome to my best friend and greatest teammate, Ebony."

I get up from my seat as everyone is cheering and clapping. There are over a hundred people here. I walk upon the stage with help from Lex. He kisses my cheek as I do with his. I thanked him and began my speech.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, you may not know me, but some of you do, I take pride in being the best I can be. And because Lex has so genuinely given me a chance to prove to this community that I can be successful, I have found ways to earn money, and save money, all in the same."

I grinned and looked at Lex who had a happy look about him.

"Lex is a great friend, some of you think he doesn't care for Smallville, and some of you think the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, but he is more than his father and more than a man, he's my hero, he's the best friend a girl could ask for, I noticed some of you have looked upon him as devious but the truth is, Lex Luthor is nothing but great to me, and to his clients."

I paused again taking my microphone in my hand. Lex was confused and didn't know what I was doing but I continued walking towards you.

"I am so proud of you, in the past few months I've been here you've done so much for me and Smallville and I can't thank you enough Lex I am going to devote my time and attention to this company and you, I want Smallville to know the real Lex Luthor."

I hugged him and kept hearing applause from the audience. I didn't expect a good reaction from them. Lex thanked me and kissed my cheek. I told him he deserved it. He was great.

After the speech, I sat back down. Lana and Chloe were amazed by me. And Clark was surprised. Jason was like Clark, surprised.

"Someone did a wonderful job up there tonight," Lex said sitting beside me. He grinned that genuine grin. I smiled at him.

"Told the truth Lex it needed to be said," I told him. He looked around. Clark studied him. And he also studied me.

"Thank you Bunny it meant a lot, I can't say I am what you said but you see something in me," he said. I put my hand on his face. Chloe grinned but looked at Clark and frowned.

"Lex, I see a lot of good in you, you just have to learn to find it."

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