Chapter 10

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"Bunny do you ever find any flaws in anyone, take Clark for instance I mean do you see anything that might scream 'bad boy' or do you always have to see good in people," Lex asked. He sounded more human than ever just then. No big words.

"Yes, like the fact that Clark is always up in my business, or like how you always pour half a glass of scotch and only take a sip, or you stay in your study and work from noon to late at night, when I know you're not really in there working," I paused.

"Or the fact that when you eat something you take one small bite to see if you really want it and then continue to eat it or throw it out, or maybe perhaps the fact that every time someone says your name, you have a switch that flicks on and it automatically behind to be sarcastic," I stopped because Lex was laughing at me. Chloe and Lana were looking at each other.

"Ebony those are things you would notice about someone you cared about, what they like to read-"

"Poetry," I interrupted.

"Yes or how many times a week they leave-"

"Three," I said.

"Right, or do they put their shoes on first or jacket," he paused and I had to answer.

"You put your shoes on first," I said. Chloe was smiling at Lana. Clark was so confused.

"Right, but those are just tiny things you notice about someone, that's not a flaw," Lex said. Now I get it. I cared what Lex did. I cared for him.

"Ebony I don't think you know how to see a flaw in anyone, just the quirks that make them, who they are," Lex said. He was right. I didn't see one flaw. Lois was grinning at Chloe and Lana. I was confused. I didn't know how to tell her it was creeping me out. Clark was watching me and Lex.

"Okay so Ebony first thing you need to do, is realize the difference in quirks and flaws," Chloe spoke. Maybe she was right. I didn't like judging people based on what they did, I did it based on how they acted. No one knew more than me how to watch for certain things.

I sat watching them talk about each other's flaws, Clark was too caring, he let people talk to him like dirt because he didn't like to fight. Chloe liked getting ahead of everyone, she was a reporter and she wanted good stories. Lois was curious, always looking for trouble. Lana was too stable, she needed to take a walk on the wild side. Jason was too adult-like. Worked so much that he barely saw anyone.

"What about Ebony," Chloe asked. Clark didn't say anything. Lois did.

"Ebony, forgives too easy, she's like a cat, they can be beaten and beaten, but still come back," she said. That was true.

"I can't help the way my mother taught me, just turn your cheek and leave it alone," I defended myself. Lex smiled and chuckled.

"Bunny, there is nothing wrong with the way your mother taught you, my mother taught me to be strong, teachings can be a blessing and a curse, but I get both ends," he said. I felt his pain.

"Daddy is a billionaire who seeks nothing but power," I said. He nodded at me.

"Yeah exactly, he thinks he can rule the world, take money from investors, and make the rich poor, and then the poor even poorer. I would hate to see him as president, he'd stop at nothing to make our lives a living hell," Lex said. I agreed with him but only about my father.

"They both have daddy issues and no mother, sounds like a fairy tale," Lois said. We looked at her as if she was crazy.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"Well, the girl sees the guy, becomes friends with him, begins hanging with him, eventually moves in to help him, he throws her a party, they both have daddy problems, and their moms are passed on, they both don't realize their feelings for each other are stronger than they imagined," she stopped sighing.

"Lois that's not a fairytale that's real, and to be honest it doesn't sound much like any fairytale I've ever seen or read," Chloe said. I agreed and Lex did too.

"Wait I think I know what she is saying though," Lex said. I was confused.

"She is referring to the girl getting rescued by a knight, or Prince Charming and the girl struggled to see that what she wants out of life, is right in front of her to reach out and grab it," he said. That was still confusing but Clark must have understood it because he dismissed himself.  But Lana knew what she meant.

"Ebony you and Lex care for each other."

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