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      One day I was walking in the halls of my school, cloudy day. Nothing out of the ordinary. But something felt odd. As I walked around the school there was no one around. I checked the classes, all the doors were unlocked and empty. There was no noticeable wind, none that I could feel anyway. All of a sudden there was a gust of wind that knocked me back and my head smacked hard on the cement, so hard that my head started bleeding. I blacked out. When I woke up I wasn't where I had fallen, I was in someone's house laying on someone's bed have I been kidnapped? I thought to myself. Once I had gotten a good look of the room I noticed the walls were made of wood with cracks in between each bar of wood. Outside appeared to be a desert in what looked to be like the afternoon. There was dust everywhere and a cracked mirror. I  got up from the dirty and stained mattress, there was an outline of where my body was laying. The color of my outline didn't match the rest of the of the mattress. I looked in the mirror, but it wasn't me looking back. It was an older man who had resemblance to what I thought I looked like. I left the room and went into the dusty living room. There was a television with a cracked screen, a old and rotted couch, a coffee table broken in half, old papers scattered across the room, and the front door opened just a little. I went outside and saw a huge void. I saw nothing other than the few stars in the sky. Confused at the fact that it had been the afternoon two minutes ago, I ran inside and looked out of the window, the sun was out. I ran outside and saw the endless void of darkness once again. I went inside once more and there was a flashlight sitting on the couch. I tried to remember if it was there before but I couldn't recall the memory. I grabbed the light and went out side only to find a wooden sign a couple feet away. I pointed the light at the sign but it looked like someone had splattered paint on the sign. I went behind the sign to see if there was anything there. There was red paint on it which read, "Never leave the house. If you must go..." That was all. I started walking towards the house and looked back at the front of the sign. The splattered paint now read "RUN!" At that very moment there was a gust of wind and the sound of glass shattering. Then I felt something breathing on the back of my neck. I dropped my light and I ran as fast as I could, non stop without looking back. At first I heard a stomping sound which slowed itself into footsteps. I continued to run. I looked back for a second, when I focused forwards there was a tall shadow like creature that stood in front of me and I collided into it and blacked out. I woke up in a car that had crashed into the lobby of a building. Once I got out I went outside and saw an abandoned city. The sun was shining brighter and hotter than presumed possible. The city appeared to have been a very busy one. Now there was grass growing through the cracks of the road and craters everywhere. Massive holes in buildings. There were crashed cars and fallen buildings in every direction you could look in. There were no signs of life anywhere. No corpses, no food, no water, no animals anywhere. After exploring for what seemed to be an hour or more I sat down on a curb and came to the realization that maybe for some reason, I was the last human on Earth. A gust of wind blew on me, it wasn't strong enough to knock me back. After about 15 minutes nothing happened. Then I felt a hand grab my shoulder...

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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