Chapter 1: First Day Pt. 1

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Slowly. I will step falling in and out of love with you....

Ciara's POV!

"Ciara" I heard my mom call from downstairs.

"Coming Ma'. I'm coming!" I yell skipping down stairs.

"Alright you're ready?" Ma ask one more time getting here keys off the island.

"Aren't I always?" I say with a tone of cockiness in my voice raising a brow.

"You're a mess Ci" she says laughing.

"Yes! Yes! Butt-ttttt Miss Mommie I'm your mess" I comeback.

"Sure" she said smiling

We get in her BMW and pull out heading towards the school I look out the window in thought whiles I hear mom talking about something in the back ground.

Ciara's Thoughts

Maynee I hope I'm not an outcast. Me leaving my bestfriend 'Peaches' well what I called him he called me 'Hot Pockets' its something you,do when you know someone for 17 years he was and always will be my Best Friend he cried when I left life just won't be the same... :(

"Alright BITCH! We here" Ma said with a straight face.

"Ma! What???" I said in shock.

"Bitch just get out I hope some hoes fuck you up!" She said with a smirk. I felt the tension rise up in my fist.

"Ma I love you but I really hope you playing with me cause this shit ain't funny" I said getting out of the car talking to her through the window.

She laughed. While driving off quickly. I stood there for a brief second.

"That did not just happen" I say to my self I snap outta thought cause I'm not letting that petty shit ruin my first day and walk up the school steps and see a guy getting out of his car

He's perfect

He's gorgeous


I tripped on a step falling flat on my face.

"He- just watched me fall" I say rubbing my forehead.

"Are you okay" I look up to see the guy extending his hand out trying to help me up.

"Oh yea" I say staring at him he's soo gorgeous !

"Are you new here?" He asks.

I ignore him still staring at the way he's perfect.

"Yeah you must be not many people trip over visible steps unless their new" he says helping me up.

"Uh! Yeah!" I smile.

" I'm Jaden" he says.

"Ciara" I say dapping his hand.

"Ohh the 'Nigga' dap! That's dope" he exclaims.

"Well since we've met I might as well be a Calabasas trooper and help you find your classes you got your schedule?" He says.

"Yeah. I printed it"

Handing it to him.

"Alright miss Melonez. Your first class is Intermediate Theatre with the best guy in the world" he says pointing to himself.

I decide to act stupid

"Oh my gosh really Diggy Simmons is in there" I said sarcastically

"You think you're funny"

Chapter 1: First Day Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now