Chapter 13

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Lex and I hit the city like we said we would. Nothing made me happier than to see him enjoying his time off. The first day we went sightseeing. The first thing was the Colosseum. It was beautiful. The next thing in line was the Maison Carre. It was amazing. Took my breath away. The last thing for the day was the Pantheon. It was so life-like.

Lex had outdone himself. We spent all day visiting the greatest monuments. It goes to show that Lex only wanted me to have fun, and see the beauty in all she could be. And that's what I did. I saw Rome and all its beautiful landmarks. It didn't take long for me to get tired.

We went back to the hotel and relaxed in the living area. It was so gorgeous. I could smell the fragrance of flowers. I heard nothing but silence. It was already 10. I was getting sleepy so I excused myself to my room. Lex did as well.

I grabbed my phone and decided since I had service over here I would call Lana. I failed her number. It rang three times before she picked up.

"Ebony, hi," she said I could tell she was smiling.

"Hey Lana, what are you doing," I asked making conversation.

"Jason and I were just fixing to head to Paris again, the plane from Metropolis leaves in three hours so we are on our way there now," she said I knew she was happy.

"Ah, I see, romantic getaway," I said. She giggled.

"Yep, how is Rome so far," she asked. I sighed.

"It's wonderful," I told her truthfully.

"And Lex," she said hesitating. I went silent for a moment.

"He's great, happy, he was the one that mentioned a vacation," I told her. She agreed.

We talked for thirty minutes until I got tired and told her I'd call her in a few days. Or she would call me. We got off the phone, I plugged it up and laid my body down.

Sleep came easy for me. About 10:40 and I was out. If I knew Lex I'd be awake by 8:30. He liked doing things early. He says it makes for a good day to get up before 9 and be in bed before 11. He was right. It didn't tire me out so much.

*Day 2 I was awake at 8:30 sharp. Lex had knocked on my door causing me to bolt up from the bed. I grabbed my robe and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and dressed in a knee-length blue dress, casual. And a thin over jacket, grey. And my heels were silver, but only a couple of inches high.

"Ebony, today we are shopping," Lex said as I walked out of the bathroom.

After Eating a piece of toast and some bacon, that Lex cooked up, I decided to get my phone and head down to the lobby. Lex met me there. We headed into town. It was so full of people and paparazzi. Taking so many pictures of us. We'd be in the headlines soon.

We stopped at so many places and bought so many things, that I'd have a closet full. Lex bought him a few tuxedos for occasions. He also bought thermals, blue, black, red, and white. He bought me dresses, tops, pants, and a bathing suit. A red and brown bikini for the pool. He also bought me red heels and black ones. Some brown wedge heels, and some high heel boots. Which was my idea.

We went back to the hotel where he had dinner sent up. American dinner. There was fancy chicken and steamed vegetables. And some dessert that looked like chocolate cherry cake. We had fresh spring water. It was great.

"Thanks, Lex for a wonderful day today," I said as I excused myself to look outside, from the terrace.

"You know Ebony, you surprised me today," he said joining me. I questioned him.

"Well, I just didn't expect you to be so, laid back today, most women would shop until their feet gave away or the clothing stores were empty, you barely asked for anything and yet you still had a great time today," he said. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not most women either Lex," I said enjoying the night air. He came closer to closing the gap.

"I know and I want to thank you for giving me my smile back, it's been a long time since I've had this much fun, thanks to you I've found my inner peace," he said. I smiled at him.

"Well you're welcome Lex you're a wonderful man inside and out," I confessed. He grinned.

"You amaze me Ebony, I don't know how you stay so confident?" He laughed. I giggled and looked directly at him.

"Simple, I find a solace, someone who gives me stability and keeps me sane," I told him taking his vocabulary.

"Well I've found mine, and she's the most extraordinary woman I've ever met," he said making me blush. I noticed we were staring at each other. We just stood there gazing at each other. This was where I had to push away.

"Time for sleep, I'm going swimming tomorrow," I said walking away from him. He told me goodnight and I was off to bed.

One thing I was sure about, this was the best vacation of my life. Another thing, I was falling for Lex.

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