Chapter 15

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I had on a cute red and black dress. It was velvet and lace. It came just above my knees. It had to be one strap. My black heels matched my dress perfectly. I applied light makeup and put my hair up. I walked out of the room into the living area where Lex was.

He was wearing a black tuxedo with a red tie. I didn't understand why he was dressed so nicely. Of course, I didn't understand him at all anyway. And If I ever did, it would be a miracle.

"Where are you going dressed up like that," I asked he looked at me in awe.

"I'm going to the party the woman that's being celebrated invited me when you left," he said. He looked closely at me.

"You look stunning," he said I thanked him.

I made my way downstairs, and into the lobby, it was 7:57 and I had three minutes. Carson was waiting and had a black tuxedo with a black tie. He looked great. He grabbed my hand helping me from the stairs. Lex was behind me.

"Wow Ebony you look beautiful," Carson said. I thanked him.

A few minutes into the party, I was bored. Nothing I did satisfied me. I missed being around Lex   He was flirting with a blonde girl in her early 20s. It made me sad. I didn't want to be here but I was.

The speech Carson gave on behalf of his mother was long. And in that tie, Lex had already gotten that girl's number. I was so bored and hurt. I was already falling deeper for Lex and he didn't notice. Or he didn't care. Maybe he would be my destruction. He would hurt me so much I'd have forgotten the world. So I did something I wish I hadn't done. I texted Clark.

"Lex," I said coming up to him. He turned away from the blonde.

"Guess who came to Rome and landed this morning," I said he shrugged his shoulders. A few seconds and Clark had walked in wearing a tux with a black tie.

"Clark, why did you fly to Rome, not that I'm not extremely happy to see you," Lex said. Clark smiled.

"I came to tell you both something, I think you need to hear it from me before anyone else gets to you," Clark said. I could tell it was urgent. He didn't say anything in a text.

"A few days ago after you both boarded the jet for Rome, I received an email, Lionel broke into Luthorcorp and stole all of Ebony's files, he knows about her father, and is trying to help Jeff receive Luthorcorp," that took me by surprise. Lex didn't say anything. His father was a real piece of work.

"How did you find out about this," Lex questioned. Clark sighed.

"Chloe hacked into security at Bronson Industry she saw and heard everything, she's been keeping tabs on your father Ebony," he said causing Lex to to grab my arm, and Clark's.

He led us out into the lobby where everyone couldn't hear. Why? I didn't understand it. Everyone was too busy listening to Carson's speech.

"Who else knows about this," Lex asked.

"Me, Chloe, and you two, and there is one more person who knows," he said. This was not cool.

"Okay," I said trying to get it out of him. He sighed.


"What," I said trying not to laugh. Clark had no right telling me my date is in on something like that.

"Ebony I'm sorry that's Carson Dailey, he was trying to lure you to his side so you would give up trying to destroy Bronson's industry," he said. I scuffed.

"Clark just stop, okay I know I have had my fair share of douchebags but I refuse to believe that Carson knows anything about this," I said. Lex joined in.

"I mean it does seem off to me, he came to you, asked you to a party, he's American his mother is part of this hotel we just happened to be staying at," he said. I shook my head.

"Now you're siding with each other," I said. Clark didn't like that I didn't believe them.

"Ebony, this guy is a real ladies' man, he can lure anyone to do what he wants, be careful around him," he said.

"Look, it's not that we don't want you to be happy, but be careful who you date, you don't know him," Clark said. Why was he always right?

"You're right Clark," I said. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, it's been a long day and I've been stressing and nothing seems real anymore," I said. Lex was confused. He didn't know what I was talking about.

"Ebony what do you mean," he asked. I sighed.

"This vacation is great I love being away from Smallville but I miss my friends back home, and my work," I confessed. Lex looked at Clark. I didn't understand why, but he must've seen something.

"Ebony, if you want to go back home, we will leave first thing tomorrow," Lex said. I sighed and shook my head.

"No I'm going to stick it out, I have you, and Clark now," I said. Lex hated that Clark was here I could tell and so could Clark. 

"No I'm going to catch a late flight back tonight, I'm needed back on the farm," he said. Lex nodded. I hugged him and told him goodbye.

Lex and I were opposites but I was so attracted to him. It was like I was meant to be with him. And then something else happened.

I heard a voice, a very soothing humming coming from outside. Lex excused himself and I followed it. When I got outside there was a light behind the Colosseum. I didn't have to walk very far but once I got there a book was sitting on a standing front a center. The humming died down.
There were words in the book.

"The girl who has the power, look to the Egyptian skies."

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