Chapter 17

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The week in Rome was amazing, but now it was time to go. We were driving back to the mansion and all was good. Lex was talking business. We made the headlines. There were some things you couldn't escape from. The newspaper column stated we were a power couple.

"Lex Luthor and his partner spotted in Rome, the power couple seems to be cost." The worst thing was it was a day we were standing together at the front door of the hotel. Lex liked the idea of us being plagued in the paper but as far as publicity goes, it sucked.

I couldn't imagine being rich and famous everywhere. It would be like having my sitcom. "Next is Ebony Bronson, powered leader and corrupted daughter." Even if I wasn't, they'd make a point to say I was.

Lana and I had talked about going for coffee when I got back, so at 8:30 when we arrived at the mansion, I got my keys and headed to my brand new car Lex had bought me. A red Porsche. I put the top down and drove to the Talon.
"So how was Rome," she asked. I have her the details. Some of them were weird though.

"You mean you went to the Colosseum and found a book for you," she asked I nodded.

"And the strange part was, it called to me it was about me but I heard a humming," I said. She tilted her head.

"Well maybe you'll figure out what the book is meant for, in the meantime how was Lex," she changed the subject.

"Great but something went wrong while I was there," I told her. She asked what it was.

"I fell in love with him."

"Oh Ebony does he know," she asked I shook my head.

"No, and I don't want to say anything because I'm keeping a secret from him," I said. She understood.

"I know Lex is power crazy but he cares for you I don't think he would harm you because you have some special gifts like wishing for things, they have side effects he wouldn't want you using them if it hurts you," she said sipping her latte. She was right.

"You think I should tell him how I feel and tell him the truth," I said. She sighed.

"I know if you don't, he'll find out and it will take time to gain his trust back," she said. I sighed knowing she was right. So this time I was going to tell him.

Lana and I talked for an hour about Rome and Paris. I was so caught up in the girl talk, I wasn't thinking about anything else. I wanted to tell Lex I loved him and that I was gifted. But I didn't know how. I tried figuring out a way to say I was gifted with power I didn't even want but he would think I was a freak. I guess I had to be honest and tell him the whole story.

*Back at the mansion Lex was busy in his office. I tried knocking but he was on the phone. Mergers were important. The side effects of wishing him off the phone would have been really bad. Sometimes I pass out. Sometimes the universe has to balance out. But it would only be on me. So if I wished for sleep, my eyes were closed and rested, but I would wake up feeling, sick. They have effects.

"Lex I need to talk to you," I said he held his hand up for a second. I was getting tired of this. Calls all day.

"Lex it's very important," I said he finally hung up the phone.

"What's wrong Eb, what's the matter," he asked. I took a deep breath.

"How do you feel about me," I asked he tilted his head and studied me for a second.

"Well, you're the greatest thing in my life right now, you're my partner, best friend, and my solace, I don't know what I would do without you in my life, why what's wrong," he said. That wasn't enough.

"Lex, is there anything else," I asked tears beginning to form.

"Ebony, is something wrong did someone hurt you," he asked. I shook my head. He came closer. I didn't know what came over me but I said something I know should've waited.

"You don't love me do you Lex," I said. He should have been the one to tell me if he did or didn't. But what came next surprised me.

"What, of course I love you," he said I looked up he grinned, "I've loved you since the day you fixed that dinner, maybe before that, I love you, Ebony, don't ever think for one second I don't."

"Lex, I'm in love with you."

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