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    Prism World was a place long forgotten with its diamond palace to the colorful fish that was the home to many mermaids and mermen of different shapes and sizes, colors and personalities. The mer-people lived in the oceans with danger at every corner, hungry sharks, evil monsters. Humans couldn't see Prism World because of a spell cast by the royal family which made humans see only nothing but salt water for miles and miles going on forever, still some mermaids snuck away in curiosity to the surface where they were exposed for the humans to see. Another threat had come to Prism World which was the underworld, a world deep in the depths of the oceans, the Hades mermaid had also cast a spell on her realm which kept humans from seeing it. Lurking in the shadows at the edge of the living, Hades hid in waiting to snatch souls for the underworld.

    Prism World stayed in constant worry of their mer-children venturing out without their parents with them, the Royal court decided it would be best if the mermaids learned how to defend themselves. Their young princess daughter had a rainbow tail as all mermaids in the Royal family do, her hair was also rainbow giving her a magical look. While the daughter learned how to rule the kingdom one day, the Royal court thought it would be best if each mermaid had a special job to do to keep the kingdom going, they eventually thought of school and mermaids learned subjects that human kids did, including math, science, reading, writing, and even magic class since all mermaids had magic powers in them. Prism World was growing along with the population, soon it was an underwater world just like on land but with water.

   Although the mermaids didn't realize it, humans were actually in danger because of them. Sirens were dark mermaids that sang beautiful songs to sailors and made themselves look beautiful, sailors dived into the water after the melody and the next thing they knew, they were being pulled into the ocean by a really creepy witch with a black tail, gray skin, dark black eyes, most of the time black hair, and long black nails. Sirens took the sailors to their own realm where they were either killed and eaten or turned into mermen to be eternal slaves.It was a horrible sight for any mermaid who saw it which made sirens and mermaids big enemies even more than humans. Sirens mostly had the black trait which was the worst and darkest one to have, a trait was what made up a mermaid, it was the color of their parents tails and it was an inner color, traits were passed on from both parents sometimes mixing two colors together giving a mermaid more than one trait, it was like mermaid gene. Another thing about mermaids was that they had colored pupils for their eyes and black for the outside part which was the opposite for humans.

    Even though many problems occurred in Prism World,  it was still the home to living mermaids that were hidden away from land, no mermaid had ever met a human before and everyone hoped never would. Prism World grew from the past years to become a world no person would ever think possible to exist, that was until humans theorized something was out there.

Mermaid World: Prism AcademyWhere stories live. Discover now