Love Pawnch

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Some say I was born of the gods. Some say I wasn't even born at all but had always existed since the dawn of the universe. Some say I was the result of an experiment gone awry. But I'm just a man; born the same way all people are born albeit nearly at the speed of sound and on one of the most infamous race tracks of all time. So you could say that even though I was born a man, I was the manliest man that man ever manned. Man. 

I pawnched my way out of the womb, my first memory. My Mother screamed so loud I think it overtook the sound of the engine of her racer, yet the sound of the fiery explosion moments later was louder even still. My mother was vaporized when she hit the steel retaining wall, but I emerged from the flames of the smoldering wreckage. Seconds after birth I could already stand erect, and as the fire enveloped me, I did not fear it, but embraced it as my own. From that point on, the legend grew...  

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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