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Little thing rn. Hellos I am here for a part 2. Sorry the last one was short af. Any who lets get started!!! Ok cool.

"Oh my god." Misha grins as I walk into the kitchen. We are currently in Canada staying in a hotel. Not a shitty hotel. Or my parents bed and breakfast. I mean like a super nice place. With a kitchen and a living room.
"I did not sleep good." I sit down.
"I was just so excited about all this crazy stuff going on."
"Look I made those pancakes finally." He hands me a plate with three.
"Well I hope they're as good as they look this time."
"This time!" Misha scoffs and sits down.
"I am so so glad you fought for us." I stand up a bit and kiss him.
"I know you would've gone to the coffee shop every day. Waiting for me."
"That is 100% true." I nod.
"Eat!" He laughs.
"I'm afraid.."
"Hey you're gonna be married to me!" Misha laughs.
"So that's like the ultimate rule for being married? You gotta eat whatever your partner gives to you?" I laugh lightly.
"How about we eat it together?"
"Ah mish."
"Jen. I drank coffee for you,"
"Mish... Damnit!"
"Ah ha! You have too!" He grabs my fork and cute into it. I open my mouth and he puts a small piece In my mouth. "Is it safe to eat?"
"Yes." I nod. "Mm mish." I lick my lips.
"Mm you are so cute." Misha looks at me lovingly.
"Thank you." I take the fork from him. "I love these pancakes."
"We're gonna have to take these pancakes to bed so I can do things to you." Misha wiggles his eyebrows.
"Let me eat first." I cut into the cakes again.
"So I'm a good cook?"
"This time, yes." I nod. "Hey you weren't your grumpy morning self?"
"I'm happy."
"Canada. Being together."
"I'm sorry if I seem not interested in you.. I am. I really am it's just.. There's so many things going on and I'm so excited and nervous and scared about everything and it's coming out all in just me being.."
"Yeah." I nod with a chuckle.
"So it's not me?"
"Noooo I promise. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you but just maybe can we take the next few days a little slow?"
"Yeah." Misha nods.
"Hey." I rub my knuckles down under his chin with a small smile. "I love you."
"I love you more."
"Nope." I get up and push our lips together. "I love you so much more!" I laugh and pull him up into my arms. I carry him to our bed.
"I thought we were asking things slow." Misha laughs as I toss him down onto the messy bed.
"I want to show you..." I put my legs on either side of him. "How much.." I put my arms on his shoulders. "I love you."
"Yeah? How."
"By kissing you."
"Mm hmm."
"All over." I whisper and start attacking his neck and cheek with my lips. He laughs and falls back. We link hands and then lips.
"How slow do we have to go?" Misha pulls away just few inches.
"So slow we're gonna be 90 before we have sex again." I whisper with a giant smile.
"I'm really scared to meet my costar." I say as misha walks over to me.
"Yeah? Have you looked him up?"
"No.. Not yet.. Should I?" I ask as he sits Down.
"Sure.. What's his name?" He grabs his computer.
"Jared padalecki."
"That's a strange last name?" Misha chuckles but puts it in anyway. "He's... He's not gay right?" He asks when his picture pops up.
"Oh my god."
"I'm sorry! No you're way hotter but there's no way I can play his brother?!"
"Oh man he's only 20."
"He can't even drink yet and he's hotter then everyone I know!"
"I don't mean it like that.. I meant like the hotness scale goes you," I put my one arm as high as possible. "Then there's this guy," I put my other arm about a few inches below. "And then there's me." I put my first hand way down onto the ground.
"Excuse you? You are the hottest guy I know. Or I have ever seen!" Misha puts his computer down.
"You have to say that." I roll my eyes.
"Yeah why?"
"Because you're my fiancé." I chuckle as misha pulls me into him.
"I mean it!" He laughs.
"Mm." I wrap my arms around his torso and lean my head on his shoulder.
"What am I going to do when you're working?"
"I don't know... You could order four strippers and wait for me to get home and we have a 6 way."
"I don't do anything hire then a three way."
"You could go and go and buy some cocaine so I get into early enough in my career."
"Or uh you can start making a list for things you want in an apartment or house.. I guess that is something we have to talk about."
"Yeah.." We both sit up.
"You have your studio in California so we'll have to go down on my months off but what about up here?"
"You work for 7 months so I was thinking... Maybe.. I can move my shop up here.. And we live up here? Forever?"
"Nononono I have checked how cold it gets up here in the winter."
"How cold?"
"-58 Fahrenheit (-50c)"
"Oh wow."
"Yeah..trust me I love the idea of buying a house and finally settling down with you but I think I should keep my one in California for us and we go pick one out together up here."
"Ok.." Misha nods. "We can go shopping for huge warm jackets."
"And really warm blankets for night."
"Hey.. Can you promise me something?" Misha asks a bit more serious.
"Yeah." I sit up.
"No matter how famous you get... You won't get into drugs, cheating, you won't leave me to wait up until 4 in the morning.. And you come home drunk.."
"I promise." I grab his hand. "I will never become a gross douchey famous actor." I kiss his knuckles. "Now how about we keep talking about what to buy for our place?"
"Our place.. I like that." Misha leans forward and kisses me.

Let's have fun together. part 2Where stories live. Discover now