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Alex was pouring her cornflakes into her bowl. No big things happening today. Her mother and 5 year old sister were going to visit her tomorrow so there was that to look forward too. Today and tomorrow were her off days from work. She worked at a girl scouts camp near her house. She loved that camp but it would tire her out sometimes. She learned there that she would always need to be prepared so she a had a special knife stored away somewhere secret. Although she preferred to use her mighty hammer instead. Her hammer had ingravings on it. It was an omega letter and her name spelled in Greek on one side and Latin in the other. 

So she was about to eat her first spoon of cornflakes when she heard a scream. And not like the "I dropped my KFC" scream but the "Oh shit, I'm about to get murdered" scream.

So Alex reached for her hammer and ran swiftly out the door. What she saw was a surprise to say the least.

Zombies crawling out the sewers and people screaming. People were dying and bleeding. A sight that would traumatise even the most bravest of people.

Alex felt the need to bash some zombie heads. So she does. SMASH! First zombie dude down. Ew, zombie brains were everywhere. Disgusting. Alex was trained to defy the hardest of opponents. But zombies? Nope! But these zombies were actually quite easy to take out as a blow to the head killed them. So she did just that. She obliterated everything in her path leaving a trail of destruction behind her. It was a sight to behold.

She eventually got all the zombies smashed to pieces very brutally. She then had a thought. What has happened to her mother and little sister? She took her phone out and immediately rung them. No answer. She tryed again but again there is no answer. There house isn't that far. If she runs if could take 15 minutes. So she did just that. She ran and ran.

She ran up to their door. Well actually..the door was obliterated. It was on the floor and in pieces. Alex got anxious. She ran in the house to find a trail of blood. She followed it to her mother's bedroom. And there up against the wall was here mother dead and not in a nice way either. She turned around to back away in horror. But what she saw made her traumatised. Her little sister with a gaping hole in her stomach and her leg a few meters away from her and her hand missing.

Alex ran into the bathroom and vomited. She then broke. She slid down the wall and held her head in her heads crying for her only family that was just killed. She cried and cried. Thump. She looked up. Thump. She stood up more alert this time. Thump. Thump. She ran downstairs with her hammer in her hand. There in the kitchen was a zombie. The zombie was covered in blood. But what was worse was he had a hand in his mouth. And not just his any hand. Her sister's hand.

She was furious to say the least. She threw her hammer at it with dangerous accuracy and it smashed the head of the zombie. She vowed that she would get revenge. She vowed to find who started this apocalypse. She promised that to her herself. To her mother. To her sister....she was going to turn 6 soon. Never again see that little smile or puppy dog eyes from her sister. Never again feel that bone crushing hug she got from her mother. Never again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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