Treasure Hunting

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"I am fond of reading stories about explorers", said Rohit, a teenager who always wanted to explore anything new. He was a kind different than rest of his friends. Several times his friends asked him why was he so fond of reading novels and biographies of explorers like Christopher Colombes? He always replied that it is his nature.

Once he went to Egypt with his uncle for a trip. Egypt, according to Rohit was the right place where he can find anything new!
Unfortunately, a sandstorm separated him from rest of his family! He cried for help but no one heard his voice. was the time for him to explore a treasure! The sandstorm carried him to an island. His clothes were wet, no food to eat, no communication devices! He thought that it was his end.

After an hour or two, he realized that he was on an island and can started his exploration. Thinking of his dream, Rohit became excited.
He learnt how to climb trees,how to light up a fire, how to cook food and other things that would keep him alive!

Time passed and passed. One day    Rohit was on his way to a cave where he lived in that island. On the way, he saw the oars of a boat. He thought that he should follow those indications. He followed them and reached a hut. He saw nothing but a torn map! Fortunately, the main part of the map was with him!. He saw that he can find the treasure by using the map!

He followed the routes indicated by the his course he saw many strange things.
As he was on his way, he reached a the cave there were skeletons lying all around.
A door blocked his way in the cave.....the door was not an ordinary door. There were 5 keys and 1 slot....
After seeing the conditions of skeletons ....Rohit realized that they also came to take the treasure but they inserted wrong key and fell in the trap.
Rohit saw some pictures on the door and the he was fond of reading novels about explorers.....he was aware of such traps. He studied the symbols carefully and found that it was a riddle,
        WHAT I AM?"

Rohit saw all the symbols on keys and said "Ah ha, it is a Diamond!"
Saying this, Rohit inserted a key with a symbol of Diamond.
The door opened!....... Suddenly he was in a dark chamber....candles along the wall lighted up!........there were many traps inside!...., However, he found the treasure lying over a stone.....he thought that there might be some more traps.....thinking this he threw a stone towards the treasure box! And the stone was crushed by the arrows which were shot from tiny spaces in the walls!.....slowly-slowly Rohit stepped forward.....and soon he got the treasure....!
Good heavens!.......a rescue boot carrying his uncle soon arrived on the sea cost to take him home along with the treasure!....

After reaching home he published a book naming 'Treasure Hunt' which stated his whole story !


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