CHAPTER ONE: Morning Chaos

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Chapter One
Lucy POV:

       It was early morning when I heard the scampering around my apartment that woke me up. I quickly grabbed my keys and whip getting ready to attack who ever was in my house when I smelt smoke and heard the argument of none other than my partner and his blue flying cat. *tick mark* Yap you got it it's Natsu and Happy and they still don't know I'm up or else they would be running for their safety. *evil laugh* "LUCY KICK!!!" I screamed. Their faces were priceless one of terror and like they were bout to piss themselves. I started laughing like a mad women until I saw what they had did to my they will die!! "NATSU, HAPPY WHAT DID YOU TWO DO TO MY KITCHEN! AND HOW AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY APARTMENT AT 6 IN THE MORNING!!" I screamed. Both coward in fear and Natsu said "Through the window, and we just wanted to make breakfast for you since you always give us food and because Mira isn't at the guild yet to feed us! Please spare us Lucy please!!" "So you decided to just barge into my house and start a fire!!" I yelled. "We're so sorry Lucy please we won't do it again please don't hurt us!" They pleaded. "I'm not the one you have to worry about Natsu and Happy. I would be more afraid of Ezra and Evergreen finding out." I laughed evilly. They both looked like they had just seen their lives flash before their eyes which I'm sure they did. *Laughs evilly* I can't wait to get to the guild later..I already knocked both intruders out and tied them up so I can get ready and drag them to the guild for their punishment. Hopefully Ever is back this way she can help Erza with Natsu and Happy's punishment. *evil laugh and smirk*

Note: so how was the 1st chapter? leave comments please, thank you

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