Chapter 19

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For the next couple of weeks licks and I have been doing everything together. We had just received a message from Chloe telling us that she found out something about my father. So we flew to Metropolis and were right now getting out of a limo that picked us up from the airport.

Chloe had told us about my father's computer being overrighted Bajart's self because he had a passcode on it to keep people out. We had walked into the Daily Planet to see what she had to say and it was very very deep dirt on my father.

"So I was going through the computer and when I finally figured out how to override The code I figured out something very deep on your father you should see this," Chloe said. Lex and I had watched a video from Lionel.

"Jeff I got your message I know how we can work together, and stop your daughter from taking the company and earning millions at the same time," Lionel started, "we expose her if we do that then, scientists line up and pay us to experiment on her."

"So she'll be out of your hair and we will make money all at the same time," he said.

"So give me some feedback by emailing me your thoughts, goodbye Jeff."

"What, my father was working with Lionel," I said seeing the email that said 'let's do this.'

"Wait I don't get why Lionel wants to work with him, he's rich why would he want to expose her just to get even richer," Chloe asked. Lex sighed because he knew.

"To get to me," he said moving around. He got his phone out.

"What does that mean," Chloe asked. Clark walked in at that moment. He knew about me and Lex, and so did everyone else.

"Hey, I heard about your dad and Lionel, I came to check on you and heard you were in town," He said looking at Lex who was talking on the phone about 15 feet away.

"So, what will happen if he does expose her," Chloe said. Clark sighed.

"Nothing good," he said. Lex shit his phone and came back to where I was standing, putting his arm around my waist.

"Okay so, so I've called in extra security, she will be safe, as long as she takes someone with her when she goes out," he said hugging me slightly with the one arm.

"Yeah, so, what about getting dirt on Jeff," Clark asked. Chloe sighed and went back to her computer.

"He paid off some of his employees, only the ones trying to expose him, I found an email to Lionel asking for help with clients of his, apparently he paid them off and I assume that he took money from the clients because he told Lionel he would eventually 'pay them back' that sounds like he took their money," she said. Lex let me go to look at the email.

"I think she's right he stole from his clients," Lex said. I couldn't believe we found dirt on him.

"We have to go see him," I said. Lex looked at me and shook his head.

"No absolutely not," he said. I was surprised.

"You can't just walk in and confront him he'll have you followed, and if I know my father you could be walking into a trap Bunny, you can't go," he said. He was right I'd be setting myself up for failure but how would we frame him? Hacking is illegal.

"I have to, hacking computers is illegal, Chloe could get in trouble for that, we have to get a verbal statement," I said. Lex knew I was right. He looked at everyone. Clark then looked at me, seeing my hurt and anger.

"I'll do it, I'll go," he said. Lex shook his head.

"No he'd try and kill you," he said. Clark shook his head.

"I'll be fine, I'll do it, I can be in and out with the recording in less than ten minutes," he said. Lex looked at us, I didn't agree to it, but I didn't have a choice.

"I'll do it, I can wish for answers and to get out of there alive," I said. Lex refused that one.

"No you could get hurt, there are risks and I do t want you taking them," Lex said. Chloe was looking at us Ike we were some sort of cute couple.

"Awe it's so sweet how you look out for her," she said to Lex. He didn't pay attention.  Clark rolled his eyes and said nothing.

"Lex, it's the only way, me or Clark, I can't let anyone get hurt, and I don't want Clark walking into a trap either," I said. He scuffed.

"Ebony, I've known you long enough to know when something is wrong, it's not just about someone getting hurt, is it," he said.

A brief pause came into place as I remembered my mother telling me I should take care of myself. I needed to stand up for what was right. My mother hated that my father was power-hungry and she left me with him. Now it was time to end it once and for all. I hated my father for what he did to me. And I hated how he treated me and my mom. He knew what he did. And I knew how to fight, I wasn't afraid.

"Ebony, what is it that you seek from going to him," Lex asked. I looked at my friends and Lex, they were worried about me.


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