Chapter 20

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"Are you sure about this," Lex asked as we got closer to the Bronson building. Clark was with us, and so was Chloe. I nodded. I wanted to know what it was like to have been away from his daughter for so long.

"I'm sure," I said. The driver stopped in front of the Bronson building. I grabbed the Leather jacket I had brought with me. I was wearing the right attire for the job. Leather pants, black tank top. And black boots.

"Ebony, we are staying right here if you need anything, signal one of us, we will be here," Lex said. I started to get out but he grabbed my arm pulling me to him, kissing me. He kissed me for about ten seconds and let go.

"I love you," he said. I grinned.

"I love you too, Lex."

I left them behind, walking into the building where my father worked. I knew he'd be there today. Something in me knew he wouldn't be expecting me. But something else feared he'd have the right equipment to stop me.

The lady at the front desk knew me and allowed me to go on up. I waited in the elevator for thirty seconds before reaching the 20th floor. When the bell rang, I saw my father's office. It was silver. Everything was. And I saw him. He turned to me with a look of surprise.

"Didn't expect me, Dad," I said walking in. I put my jacket on and zipped it up. He walked towards me.

"Ebony, it's been so long, you've grown," he said trying to hug me but I backed away from him.

"You don't trust me," he stated, "I understand."

"Come on Dad, we both know what you're doing, stealing money from clients, working with Lionel," I said I had been recording this the entire time. I had a mini flashlight in my pocket, to shine if I needed someone.

"What see you talking about," he said playing dumb. I rolled my eyes and scuffed at him.

"If hoped that you'd stop pretending like you know nothing and for once tell the truth," I said. He got behind his desk.

"What does it matter to you, you live in Smallville away from me," he said. I studied him.

"Because of you Dad, sending me away, you didn't love me, you hated me," I said. He didn't have an expression. On his face.

"Is that what you think, Ebony I loved you, but I didn't know how to take care of you on my own, and you needed to try to protect yourself from the bad people of the world," he said sitting on his desk.

"Liar, you didn't want me, so you sent me away where I'd be trained to fight, and you can show the world your daughter, the soldier, you hated me and you hated mom, and now you're stilling from your clients and working with Lionel," I said. He didn't deny that part of it.

"If hoped you'd moved on from that-"

"You ripped my life apart," I said over him.

"I am sorry honey but I didn't have a choice," he said lying again.

"You do now, why were you stealing from the clients," I said. He got up and stood in front of his desk.

"I didn't have a choice, I was protecting you, my money was gone, so I took some from my clients to pay the man off who was trying to come after you."

"Such a liar," I said before grabbing the collar on his suit and pushing him into the wall. He grunted in pain.

"Is this what you want, a fight," he said spitting blood. I Shrugged my shoulders.

"Give me answers or I won't stop until I beat them out of you," I said. He laughed. I picked him up and pushed him into his desk. He coughed loudly I spun around kicking him below his chest. He fell to his knees. I picked his head up about to punch him. The recorder was still going.

"Fine, I took the money because I was working with Lionel he wanted a deposit before he got to you, he wanted to know what happened to you during the meteor shower, why you survived it," he said.

"So you stole from innocent people, hard-working people," I said. He began confessing.

"I wanted to know myself, I needed to, why your mother died and you survived all those years," he said. I shook my head.

"You make me sick," I said before punching him in the nose. He fell to the ground. I didn't realize it then but he hated me for the reasons Lex's father did him, I was a freak and my mother was dead.

"Ebony he won't stop, prepare yourself," he said as I was walking out.

"Oh I will, and you can rot in hell," I said getting back on the elevator.

By the time I came back outside, it had been almost sunset. They had waited so long for me. But when Lex saw me, he rushed out of the car and came to me. He embraced me in a hug. He was so happy to see I had made it alive. He kissed me and looked at me it was as though he thought something had happened to me. I'd been in there for hours but not realizing it.

"You're okay," he said. I nodded.

"And I got my answers," I told him handing him the mini recorder shaped like a pen.

"He hates me because of what I am," I said. I got in the car and Lex followed behind me. The other two heard what I said.

"And because of my mother being the one that died."

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