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The wedding bells were ringing. Jack stood on the other end of the walkway. He wanted to cry, but remembered he was a man. Him and the preist were silentlty waiting for Elsa to start.

Elsa stood behind the scene, talking to Anna and Emma.They were the flower girls. Anna held one basket of blue rose petals, and Emma held a basket filled to the brim with light blue tulip petals.

"So, you know what to do, right?" Elsa asked sternly. She had never done this before, especially not in front of public! Anna and Emma nodded happily. "We're so happy for ya, sis! Good luck!" Anna gave Elsa a big bear hug before running off. Emma said sarcastically "You better be nice to my brother. And keep an eye on him for me. He can be a REAL trickster, all right." Elsa chuckled. "Dont worry. Ive got an eye on him!" They both laughed.

Elsa stood across from Jack, Anna and Emma in front. They began sprinkling petals on the ground. While dancing and jumping for joy. Elsa walked. She kept her head down, but never took her eyes of Jacks gaze.

Jack noticed Elsas stare. He stared. He knew Elsa was shy and embarasses. Well, he was too! Elsa arrives, standing across from Jack, smiling. He smiled back.

Preist: We are gathered here to present the marriage of Jackson Overland Frost and Elsa Secvile (i made that middle name up XD) Arendalle. Now Jack, do you take Elsa to be you wedded wife; in sickness and in health; for as long as you both shall live?

Jack: I do. I do alot.

Preist: And Elsa. Do you take Jack to be your wedded husband as long as u both shall live?

Elsa: What else can I say? I do.

Preist: Alright, I now present u husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

Elsa and Jack had only kissed once. But that was a long time ago. So they kisses a romantic kiss.


A/N: So what da ya think, huh? Huh?! Was that good?! (awnser my question by writing it in the comments)

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