stereotypical harry potter fuck place: the broom closet

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Lily Evans sat at her desk, doodling on her Charms quiz paper. Normally, she wouldn't have dared drawing on a quiz, but she'd already finished taking it and was forced to sit and wait until her professor came back from a meeting. She looked across the room at James Potter, the prat who insisted he was in love with her. Even now, just as her eyes drifted to settle on his muscular back, he turned around, saw her staring at him, and winked.

She rolled her eyes. Really, Potter? A wink? What are we, in a sappy highschool drama? Sooooo original.

He then blew her a kiss and made a heart shape out of his hands, with a goofy grin wrinkling his cheeks.

She sighed. Turning back to her quiz, she realized she had forgotten to put the date at the top. After fixing her mistake, she again lifted her gaze to Potter's head, but noticed Sirius Black was staring at her, smirking. Her heart fluttered.

Wait, why did it flutter? THat doesn't make sense. I don't like him. But, Lily, another voice countered, you've got to remember that he is  fucking gorgeous. I should be flattered.

If any girl had noticed how Sirius was staring at Lily, they would have drunk cat pee to be the receiver of those boyish eyes. His jawline strong enough to get a paper cut, his chiseled cheekbones, and the unmistakable muscles bulging through his shirt sleeves were enough to make any woman's nether regions tingle. In the same way, the author will not-so-slyly point out, Lily's were doing right now.

Lily shifted her chair and straightened her skirt, trying to nonchalantly get some relief down there. Sirius noticed her adjustment and smirked even bigger. Lily allowed her mind to drift to some sensual places when she immediately thought, I could wipe that smirk off your face with a flick of my wrist on the right place.

She blushed profusely, enraged and embarrassed at herself. Dear God, Lily, that was dirty. So dirty. Where did that come from?

Well, self, she answered, I am a blossoming young woman at the ripe age of 17, so of course I want to have some sort of sexual encounter.

I thought you were waiting until you were married?

Are you fucking kidding? It Sirius Black dragged me into a broom closet and said, "Drop your panties," you can bet all the money in the world that I would do it.

True, true.

Drifting out of her reverie, she noticed Sirius had turned back around. She pouted slightly, but perked up when her Charms professor finally came back, and they were dismissed from class. Setting her quiz on his desk, Lily slowly formed the perfect plan to fulfill her sexual desire to fuck Sirius Black until he couldn't breathe.

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