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»»Something Kinda Crazy
Chapter 1

-Hyunjoo's POV-

It was monday afternoon when I went to the mall to have an interview in Penshoppe for a part-time job. Well, summer can be quite boring sometimes.

I rode the escalator to the second floor where the shop was located. I got to see the people on the next floor on the way up.

White hair. A boy with white hair wearing all black held my attention. He somehow draws some attention because of his hair. Well, sum it up with seven other good looking boys with him.

They are sitting at the food court. The other lads are laughing out loud while he's quietly sitting on his chair. Doing nothing.

It seems that he's a quiet shy but arrogant type of guy.

Damn. He looks like a living anime fresh from a newly published manga or more like a breathing Jack Frost to me. His white pale complexion complements the color of his hair and he look more than ethereal because of his handsome face.

I caught him looking back at me. He stare as if he's looking right throught your soul. The thought of it gave me goosebumps so I broke the stare because I can't stand the intensity of the look he's giving.

After the distressing interview, gladly I was hired as a sales representative and said to work the day after today. My shift was from 1:00 PM to 8-00 PM.

The next day I saw him again. They're still on the same table they were sitting yesterday. Like yesterday, I caught him staring again. I happen to see him because the food court ain't that far from the shop I was working on.

A new coffee shop opened in front of Penshoppe and the white haired boy's squad moved in there. Chilling from afternoon until evening on the tables outside the coffeehouse. This maybe crazy but that gives me a better view to look on his perfect face.

Sometimes he caught me staring at him and it makes me shy shy shy.

Weeks passed and my work and the creepy staring game continued. They were always there in their official table.

Weeks and I'm starting to develop such disease. Well, if you call it a disease. I can feel my stomach doing backflips and my heart suddenly doing rapid pumps whenever I look at him.

Yeah. Him. It's sad that I can't talk to him or even know his name. Im happy enough to see him everyday and stare non-stop until I'm drooling.

Im contented looking at him from afar not until something happened.

I went to the mall straight after my visit from school to borrow books in the library to do some kind of advance study. The books in my hand dropped when someone bumped at me in the entrance.

"Sorry." I said while reaching for my books in the floor without looking to the guy who bumped at me.

Yes. A guy.

I got my anatomy book but he grabbed the other one.

"Let me help you, here." He said in a low sexy voice while handling my physiology book.

Holy gracious. Am I being delusional?! Or what?! It's him! The white-haired boy! The freaking living Jack Frost was in front of me! How to breath!

Im trying too hard not to drop my jaw and do the mainstream reaction. Damn it. He look more ethereal up close to the point that I suddenly want to list down the godly features of his perfect face.

"T-thank y-you." I answered stammering looking anywhere but him.

I extended my hands to get my book that he's holding.

He touched my book. Im jealous. The thought of holding his hand crossed my mind.

So I did. Haha. I purposely touched him when I get my book in his hand. Hokage girl!

Im grabbing all the luck and the chance that I have. Not like it's going to happen again.

Sht. I felt a bolt of electricity when our skin touched so I immediately distant myself away from him.

What was that? Weird.

I look at him. Letting myself drowning in his black orbs when someone fake a cough.

Oh. I didn't know he's with someone. I am too occupied to notice this cute creature.

"Sorry to interrupt your glaring game but bro we really need to go." said a guy with brown hair while linking his arm into the white-haired boy's arm.

O-okay. He looks like a gay who was addicted to skinships.

"Yeah right, Jae." He said while looking to the guy he called Jae and look back at me. "Till next time." then he flashed a smile showing his perfect white teeth before he offered his back to me. A smile that I haven't seen before.

I haven't see him smile in the whole time of my stalking. I sometimes saw him smirking but he never smile like what he did a while ago.

Wait, what? Did I say the S word? No I didn't say that. Must be someone who possessed me. Lol.

Anyway, I'm not yet done with my outburst.

I. Need. A. Moment.

Breath in. Breath out.

Holy moly! Who the hell will be fine after having a convo with his crush?! Who! Tell me!

Well. Even if it was just a short conversation, at least I had a chance to talk to him and for the record I hold his hand! I hold his freaking hand!

I want to squeal until my lungs tore apart. Gladly I didn't because people might think I'm some kind of psycho who just escape from a mental hospital.

Looks like I wouldn't take a bath for days. There's no way I'll let my hand to get wet!

Copyright © 2016 by everymomentshine. All rights reserved.

Votes and comments are highly appreciated.

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