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"Hey grandma." I smiled as i walked up to the table my grandma was seated in her wheel chair next to and kissed my grandma's winkle old flabby cheeks.

"Hey darling." She managed to say with rusty voice. My grandma is in this elderly care center, called Whinely Oaks but I usually state it as W.O. for short.

"How are you?" I questioned seeing that my grandma was lonely.

"G-Good, and you?" She smiled through her air mask. My grandma had trouble breathing so that why she has an air mask on and also why she was in this

"Great." joy filled my voice as I noticed her nurse coming over here. I mean ya I love my grandma but I also like to have FUN and honestly I wanted to explorer this place cause I heard there are hot staff here and tennis court with a swimming pool, so ya. Why would they have all this stuff for elderly people? this is like Disney land for elderly.!

"Hello Mrs.Julie." The nurse, smiled seeing how excited I am for her to be here.

"Hi, Mrs. Horan. How are you ma'am?" Mrs. Horan has been working here for about 3 years. She is so kind and actually pretty old her self.

"Now darling, You have grown so much. How young are you?"

"17" I smiled remembering my wicked birthday.

For my 17th birthday, my parents allowed me to go to a club with my friends, which was very odd but I enjoyed it.. Seeing that we had the whole place book out so, no one other than people I invited was there.

But it was still a club!

CRAP! Work... TOMMORROW morning ..

Now grandma? do you think I could head home? I have work tomorrow." I sweetly smiled, already seeing the drowsiness in my grandma's eyes.

Poor lady. Our family lost my grandpa in a car crash about 2 years ago. it's been rough, and has caused many frustrations throughout the family.

"Of course honey, go on. enjoy your night, and get home safe darling." she shined me a smile.

"Okay bye, in 2 week I will be back." I blew a kiss before engulfing her in a tight hug.


I made my way out to my Mercedes Benz (c 250). How you might ask, did I get that?

well when my grandpa died he gave me "will" money. my grandpa was a Mobster. Like the mastermind behind a huge gang that "ran" this town so, he left me quite alot of money... 7million to be exact! I have no sibling so that was basically all the money he had.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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