Chapter 1:The Beginning

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It was a very long time ago
The most beautiful girl in the village was walking through the forest. Her name was Jasmine Kent. She had long dark brown hair almost black with pure white hairs running trough it. Her eyes were a lovely shade of brown almost sunset gold. Jasmine would usual wear a black high-low dress along side a long black riding hood. She was secretly going to make contact with Lucifer if he was real anyway. Jasmine had made a pentagram on the ground with lambs blood. She spoke the word's as the last word left her lips the blood grew into a bright flame.
A lovely young teenage boy with black raven hair with bright red eye which faded to blue. He looked like a dark prince.

~Jasmine's POV~

Oh my what a beautiful boy he looks like a prince. I thought to myself as I looked up at him. "Hello are you Lucifer?" I asked looking away when he made eye contact with me. "Yes I am, but why did such a pretty girl like you make contact with me?" He asked with a low tone. "I wanted to know your real." I told him as I stood up wiping off the dirt off my dress. My hair had leaves in it so I pulled them out braiding to the side. As I did I could feel Lucifer stareing at me. "Why are you turning red young miss?" He asked while touching my forehead. "I'm fine." I tell him as I back away from his hand but just as I did Lucifer grabbed my wrist. Pulling me to him but he didn't hurt me he was.... studying me. "What are you doing?" "Shhh, I'm looking into your soul so hold still would you?" I did as told as he looked me over many times. Finely he let me go I took a few steps back just for personal space. "So why did you look into my soul anyway?" I asked him looking into those blue orbs. "I think we should be freinds. Have you ever wanted to fly?" Lucifer asked me. "Yes I have why?" "This is why." Next thing I know black raven like wings burst from his back. He grabs me around the waist lifting us into the air. "Ahhhh please don't drop me!" I say grabbing onto him. "Then hold on and don't let go." Lucifer goes even higher I close my eyes not wanting to imagine falling. "Hey, look how pretty it is up here and I swear I won't drop you." I open my eyes and see the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

~Lucifer's POV~

He face is so cute I can't believe it. I think to myself as I held her close so she doesn't think she may fall. "It's just as imagined it, thank you so much Lucifer!" She told me with a lovely smile. "Your very welcome m'lady." I told her as I sat her back down on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2016 ⏰

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