Sestina #1

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Everywhere he looked, he saw beauty.
As the sky turned a deep purple, he sat in wonder.
Whoever was behind all of this had immense skill.
What would await this world in the future.
His mind drifted to an image of fantasy.
With eyes closed his thoughts turned to worry.

As he breathed in and out, calmness replaced worry.
He replaced the bad images with ones of beauty
which created a utopian fantasy.
Everything felt perfect as he continued to wonder
about the best possible future
Where everyone helped each other with their skills.

But he knew the human race wasn't that skilled.
Eventually, even if nothing was wrong, one would begin to worry
About his or her personal future.
Selfishness would overcome beauty
And rear it's ugly head as wondering
people wished for a better life in their fantasy.

It was an endless cycle, this fantasy of fantasies.
Was fantasising a skill
of this man who was constantly filled with wonder?
Sometimes he began to worry
that all this thinking would harm his ability to experience beauty.
Would he look back at his past self in anger in the future?

So much awaited in the near future.
Everything that would happen would be different than any fantasy.
Would he be surrounded by beauty,
Making a positive difference with his skill?
Or would he lose it all to worry?
Was there a third answer, he wondered.

He opened his eyes to darkness and wondered
How many hours he had spent contemplating his future.
He hoped his mother hadn't started to worry.
She may think something bad had happened in a twisted fantasy.
Racing back to his house with great skill.
The darkness hid the beauty

And he no longer wondered or fantasised.
In the future, maybe he would spend more time on productive skills
to develop something beautiful rather than simply worrying about beauty.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2016 ⏰

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