Operation Pier

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Chapter 1: End of School

Darryl Tyler was about to finish school for the summer holidays. He had blue eyes, brown straight hair and had white colored skin. He was sat in a maths lesson. For Darryl though all he could think about in the final lesson that day was the summer holidays. Darryl went to the Longhill High School in Brighton. He was in year nine and was taught maths by Mrs Sparks. Mrs Sparks asked Darryl a question "Darryl what is 44 divided by 4?" "What?" Darryl asked surprised that he was asked a question even though he shouldn't have been surprised as Mrs Sparks liked to ask everyone in the class a question. "You don't say what you say pardon" Mrs Sparks replied angrily. "What was the question again?" Darryl asked trying to pay attention to the lesson. "You should have been paying attention Darryl" Mrs Sparks said. "What is 44 dived by 4?" Mrs Sparks asked Darryl the question again. "Is it 11 Mrs Sparks?" "Correct Darryl" Mrs Sparks replied. "Make sure you pay more attention next time" Mrs Sparks told Darryl.

The bell rang for the end of the school day and Darryl was relieved but at the same time was excited. Darryl always loved the summer. On the way home he thought about previous summer holidays. One year he went to France and saw the Eiffel Tower. Another year he went to Germany and saw the Brandenburg Gate. He was going up to London this summer and visit the Tower Of London, The National Gallery and Buckingham Palace. Whilst living in Brighton, Darryl would sometimes go down with a few of his school mates to Brighton Pier.

Darryl returned home and opened the front door. He was excited about the summer holidays and couldn't wait to get to London.

Chapter 2: The Opportunity

The next day Darryl walked with his friends into town. His mates were called Mike Hicks and Steve Gray. Mike Hicks had long black hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a green jumper and black trousers. Steve Gray had short black hair and green eyes. He was wearing a black jumper and blue jeans. Darryl and his mates visited HMV, Game and then went to McDonald's for lunch. When Darryl walked out of McDonald's with his mates something caught his eye. He saw a poster on the wall of a building. "Wait there Darryl told his mates as he went to take a closer look. Darryl crossed the road to take a closer look at the poster on the wall of the building. The poster building was advertising the chance to be a detective for the Bright Minds Detective Agency. He read the poster which said "Would you like to be a detective?" "Would you like to go on exciting missions?" "Do you like going on adventures?" "If the answers to all three of these questions is yes then this is for you" Just reading the poster made Darryl excited. He would love to be a detective. The poster also said "We are happy to employ teenage detectives during the summer and Adults can join as well". "As you will be working as a detective your identity will be kept secret". "If you would like to apply then visit the Bright Minds Detective Agency in Brighton which is in town".

For Darryl this was an opportunity that he just couldn't afford to miss. He loved the idea of becoming a detective and going on different types of adventures. He walked back across the road and joined back with his mates Steve and Mike. "Everything alright Darryl?" Steve asked. "Everything is fine" Darryl replied. "I was thinking of going into Argos next" Steve said. For Darryl there was only really one thought in his mind. Go to the Bright Minds Detective Agency and apply to be a detective.

Chapter 3: First Step

The next day Darryl rushed straight to the Bright Minds Detective Agency Building eager to apply to work as a detective. Darryl walked into the building and saw a sign that said 'Applicants this way'. He followed the sign and was immediately greeted by one of the people working for the Bright Minds Detective Agency. His name was Harold Turner. "Hi my name is Harold said to Darryl. "I assume you are here to be a detective". "Yes" Darryl replied excitedly. Darryl was amazed by what he saw whilst he was in the building. Loads of people working on computers doing loads of different missions. People getting their uniforms on ready to go on their next mission. There were also people using machines that would track people's progress on missions. "Excuse me" Harold said to Darryl. "Please could I have your name and phone number so that we can contact you". Darryl suddenly turned round after getting distracted by what other people around him were doing. "Of course" Darryl said. Harold looked at the application form that Darryl had filled in. "I must warn you Darryl that there will be a lot of fitness tests before you can be an agent here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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