Chapter One

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Jess POV

  I should ask Sky if he and Barney, Ross, and Max would want to join me in a game of hide and seek on Minecraft, so I did just that. Once I called Sky, he didn't answer, so I tried once more, still no answer. I decided to call Ross next cause I thought he would answer out of all of the people I know. Once I dialed his number I hear a few rings and then a voice. "Hello?" The person said, it was a deeper voice than Ross', so I decided to hang up. Next I called Max, I didn't know if he would be picking up his phone right now because he is probably busy editing a video or making one, but I called him anyway. I quickly dialed Max's number and heard a few rings once more, and then Max's voice, "Hey Jess, watcha need?" Max asked a little confusion in his voice. Oh my Irene, I love that voice of his. "Oh yeah, I wanted to know if you, Sky, Ross, and Barney would like to play hide and seek with me on Minecraft, would you guys want to play? I do understa-" "W-we all would be glad to play, so when do you want to start setting up the game?" Max said a little bit of excitement in his voice. "In a couple of minutes, so I guess I will see you guys in the server, bye I guess!" I said trying not to sound so excited to have Max playing another game with me once more, and hung up my phone and slipped it into my pocket. Minutes later I started setting up the game and thought of ways to make Max, Mad Max.


After Jess hung up I slipped my phone into my pocket and ran to Sky's office. "Hey Sky, Jess wanted us to play hide and seek with her on her Minecraft server in a few minutes, so you in or what?" I asked barely waiting for an answer, "Yeah sure, just le-" "Thanks!" I yelled while running two Ross' and Barney's offices next. Once I got their answers I ran back to my office, sat down, and joined Jess' server and her Skype call. Oh my god I love her so much, I wander if she likes me back? NO, of course she wouldn't, why so stupid Max why?! After joining the server I found Jess still setting up the game, but she didn't notice me at first, but then after a couple of minutes she finally caught sight of me looking around the server. "Hey Max, what ya doing?" Jess asked in that sweet and soft tone of hers that I loved so much. "N-nothing, just looking around at the server, w-what about you J-jess?" I asked trying not to stutter a lot, than I usually do when I am near her or if I hear her. That voice of hers is just, God why can't I stop being so in love with her? "Just fixing the up the game a little note before we start, by the way where is everyone else, Max?" "Ev-everyone is joining now, but they had some work to finish, I said texting everyone to hurry there asses up already so that we can start the game. "They should be here right now Jess, don't worry." I said as everyone started to join the call and the game. After everyone got settled we were ready to start playing.

Jess POV

  Once I finished getting the game set up everyone started joining, then I started my intro. "Hey guys Jess here and today we will be playing hide and seek with Sky, Ross, Barney, and Maxx!" "Wheezz!" Sky cried as Barney was chasing Ross around and calling him a sloth like he always does, Max just sat there yelling at everyone to settle down. I giggled as everything happened. "What's so funny Jess?!" Adam and Ross asked snickering back and forth to one another. "Nothing, just Ross' fabulous scarf flowing in the wind." I said giggling in the background and Max joined in. "Why does everyone care so much about my scarf!" Ross exclaimed and change his skin to a squirrel. "Anyway like I was saying earlier, lets start the game!" So said cheerfully as I started the game, and Sky and Ross were the seekers. "Sky_Owner, I ship it!" I screamed in excitement and Max and Barney joined me in chanting "Sky_Owner" over and over again as we all hid. Me and Max bumped into another from time to time as the game went on, and we I was a seeker Max was with me. Everyone started chanting out ship name "Mithmau" over and over again like me and Max did to Sky and Ross, no we didn't care cause we got them back every time. It was a very fun game, but also very long, so that means I would need some help editing it, which in this case Max would be the best help. Once we ended the game, me and Max were the winners and then everyone ended the call, so I decided to call Max to see if I could come over so he could help me with editing the whole video, he agreed happily and so I planned to go over to his house tomorrow afternoon since he doesn't have to work tomorrow. I am so happy right now! Max makes everything seem so much better, I love him and I hope that he loves me back as well. Once I was done talking with Max about tomorrow, I got ready for bed and then slept peacefully.

Ross POV

  "Hey Max, I see your really happy right now, care to tell me why?" I said smiling at Max. I knew what it was that was making him this way, it was Jess of course. "Nothing, just thinking about me and Jess beating all of you guys at hide and seek." "The game was rigged." I said under my breath walking into the hallway and into my room to edit and post some videos. Then I heard Max go in his room, I was guessing that he was going to sleep, so I decided to sleep as well.

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