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"How's he doing?!" all I could hear my mother asks as my dad was nearly breaking the speed limit to get to the hospital. "I need an answer!!" she started screaming, but was also on the verge of tears. I somehow knew this would happen. I knew one day that me and my family would be in this predicament. My eyes are starting to close, but I force them open since I didn't want anyone to start freaking out.

"He's doing fine." my brother Morgan said. He knew that was a lie. He knew that I was on the verge of death, but didn't want to see our mother cry. Along with Morgan, I can see the side of my father's face. I was about to look away from him to see my other siblings until I saw a small tear trickle down his face. He wiped it away quickly and continued to drive. I felt really guilty. I have everyone worrying about me, driving me to the hospital, and even prying for me. But yet, I still feel like I don't deserve all this attention. I look across to my sisters. Raeya, who is usually full of life was full of tears. She was looking out the window with tears coming down her face. My other sister Twyla was hugging Raeya and keeping her company.

"We're here." my dad said very frankly.

"Alright lil' bro, they're gonna take care of you." Morgan said. It was also the last thing I heard since I blacked out afterwards. 

Stream of ConsciousnessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang