TUESDAY 5/24/16

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Yeah..... Totally didnt copy this idea from one of my freeennnnddddzzzzz.

So today i almost fell asleep in all my classes... And then I am in lunch, everythings better with food. But today i only had a samich because i ate the rest of my lunch throughout the day before lunch. Next I go to global, I hate and love that class. Love because my friend RACHEL is there with me, hate it because there's a guy named will who makes me want to punch him every time he talks. He thinks he's the reincarnation of Hitler. One he's black, two, like even fucking thinks like that? And he was talking shit to people how he wants to destroy the world and he swears constantly. Sometimes I really hate people. AND SOMETHING I HAVE LEARNED AND ITS REALLY FUNNY!! okay so my boyfriend has a birthday (no der) but his birthday is on fathers day... Dad XD

I have awesome friends... I hope u all have awesome friends too. And if u don't u can be friends with me. If I'm the horrible friend and u go to my school just scream at me in the hallway XD

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