the life of a hero

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Yes I'm finally done university but mom and dad didn't come I guess it took to long at the doctor's I'll go look. He mom dad what are you doing hey hey MOM MOM help help son revenge me the dad said okay where's the gun (Aaron took the gun out of his mom's purse) trust me I'll kill him. Hey you Aaron said (Aaron ran after the man who killed his mom and dad) hey stop Aaron said (bamm) ah help I was shot help help Aaron said. Hey who are hey hey Aaron said (4 days later) ow my Arm wait what it's better who are you and why did you help my Aaron said. My name is Tomas and I looked at you're smarter than me and I'm 38 and your 14 so I'm going to teach you to be a super hero Tomas said. Prove it Aaron said okay I'm onyx see (Tomas blow a hole in the wall) okay I believe you wait your onyx and your going to teach me sweet Aaron said. Yes but you have to do everything I say exactly how I say it onyx said fine Aaron said.So when do we go on a mission Aaron said we go on a mission to night a villain who goes be the name jurassic. Let's ambush him wait what does he want Aaron said he wants the spear of power Onyx said. LET'S GO Aaron said (at the museum) so we're is he Aaron said over there I think wait never mind it a security guard. Wait over there Aaron said it's jurassic Onyx said let's go he can't kill us we unbeatable Aaron said. I'm glad you think that kid onyx said come on hey you Aaron said what do you want can't you see I'm taking my toy jurassic said. SHUT UP your going to jail onyx said in your dreams jurassic said (jurassic stab onyx with the spear of power)NO Aaron said.Wait you killed my parents. To be continued

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