The Forest

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When you think of a Vampire Hunter, you probably wouldn't imagine a seven-teen year old girl who lives in a victorian mansion would you? Well, that's exactly who I am. My name is Sarah Victor Annes-Bottom. I'm a Vampire Hunter, and yes like I mentioned earlier, I'm seven-teen. My sole purpose as a Vampire Hunter is to kill vampires. But, I'm ashamed to say that I'm actually in love with one. His name is Thomas Wickerson. He is around my age and has beautiful, brown, hair, along with two very alluringly, enchanting, red eyes that glow a gentle hue.

Ugh! Stop thinking about him! Not right now! You're supposed to be hunting a pack of vampires! I mentally slapped myself. All of a sudden, I heard something moving in the bushes. Crap! I've been caught! I'm gonna die! All of a sudden something tackled me to the ground and was pinning me down. I looked up to see two red eyes staring at me with amusement in them. " I never expected to see you here, Sarah." the Vampire on top of me said in a smooth, and flirtatious tone. "Thomas!? I-" Thomas covered my mouth with his large hand. "Shhh, you don't wan't them to hear us do you?" he whispered in my ear and I nodded a no. He released his hand from my mouth. "I'm the one who didn't expect to see you." I whispered back to him. "Anyways, what are you doing here Sarah?" he asked me. "I'm hunting a pack of Vampires who have been terrorizing the villagers." I responded to his question. "Oh. You know I'm hunting them too. They stole something that is precious to me and I'm getting revenge." "Well, why don't you help me out then. In return I'll give you a place to stay, so you won't have to run away from those nasty Vampire Hunters." I offered him. "You do realize that you're a Vampire Hunter too? Right?" he asked me.  "Yes I am but since you aren't bad I won't kill you. So, how about it then Thomas?" I responded sincerely. "Then I will take you up on you're kind offer." he said as he offered his hand to help me get up. "Thank you." I said whilst taking hold of his hand. He pulled me towards him with such force, that I was glued onto his chest. My cheeks blushed a light shade of crimson, but he seemed oblivious to it.

We hoped onto my horse and rode off in the direction of my house.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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