Part 1

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These little excerpts will be short. So don't expect a lot from me.
Quinn's POV
I woke up today as if it were any other day. I was anticipating the end of the year, the big lacrosse game, and what I was about to do. As of, say about three months ago, I've felt strange... each time I see him, my heart skips a beat. His luscious blonde hair, how it's always styled with right amount of flair, and yet it always had a touch of messy. His baby blue eyes, carving there way through my soul, seeing right through me. I wanted him, but would he feel the same? Only time will tell.
I continued to put on the rest of my clothes, making sure each thing complimented the other. I wanted Andrew to notice me. I craved his attention. Although he liked to act in a silly manner, he grabbed my attention, along with my heart, with his brains. He was smart, I on the other hand felt like a mental miget. After a while of thinking, I threw my things together and headed for the bus. On the bus I took my normal seat, next to the window with Zach to my left, and my friends in the surrounding seats. Right now Ben was blaring his music, but I didn't care. All I thought about was Andrew. I yearned for his touch, I was so lonely he was the only one I wanted.
When we reached school I went on my way towards his hallway, as always he wasn't there, near his locker, so instead I took the time to talk with friends. After that the rest of my day was a blur. Sure I had a few laughs but I couldn't get my mind off him.
As the school day came to an end, like I always did, I hung out in the locker room with the rest of the team and waited till everyone left. Then it was time to fight. We always did locker boxing, he'll it even got some kid out for the rest of the season. Today I was my turn to fight. However I wasn't to pleased to see my opponent. It was Andrew. As he threw the first punch I had my hands up as guards, but I did nothing to fight back.
Just as the climax of our fight was about to happen I shouted, "Enough. I've had enough of this fighting." I then left the locker room and went to the boys bathroom to clean my bloody nose. A few short minuets later came in Andrew. By then we both had our helmets off.
He came up to me and said, "If you didn't want to fight, why didn't you tell me."
I look at him with a serious face mumbling, "cause I was afraid I'd look weak in front of the one I love."
I guess he heard me because the next thing I knew was him grabbing my chin to look him in the eye then kissing me.

Andrew POV

After he said the one I love a different power over took me. I could my control myself. I kissed him, I was at first hesitant than melted in. His soft lips against mine, god how it felt nice. Once we parted he whispered in my ear, " your mine now." Nibbling a little after. So this is what it's like to be in love I thought to myself. God how I can't wait for high school with him. It'll be great.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2016 ⏰

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