How you met

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Seth Rollins: You are a Diva in WWE who suffered a terrible injury in late 2011, you were forced to miss over a year of in-ring competition, when you returned in 2013, you met Seth Rollins, you two became close friends and then you started having feelings for one another, then he asked you out and and now you two are completely in love.

Dean Ambrose: it was your first day of work in WWE, you were the new backstage interviewer, the first Superstar you had to interview was Dean Ambrose, he seemed quite intimidating on TV but as soon as the interview started you can tell he was adorable and sweet, after the interview he asked you to go out with him after the show and you said yes.

Roman Reigns: You are a new doctor at a children's hospital in Florida, you treated children who were diagnosed with unfortunate diseases, you loved your job because you got to help other people and that made you happy. The hospital always wanted to see the kids happy so they would bring in Celebrities, NFL players, wrestlers, and anybody who was idolized by the kids, that day a wrestler named Roman Reigns came to see the children, you just loved the way he cared for his fans even if they were sick, you guys got to talk after and you exchanged numbers and now you guys are dating.

Dolph Ziggler: you've been feeling down for weeks because of your breakup, so your friends take you to a comedy show, the comedians were pretty funny but none of them stood out except for one, a man named Dolph Ziggler who had bleached blonde hair, blue eyes, and tan skin that looked to be from a can (lol) he looks like your dream man, as a little girl you always considered your self Barbie and now you've might have found your Ken, after the show your friends dragged you into taking to him and you guys hit it off.

Finn Balor: Today was your debut in NXT, you finally made it, you thought to  yourself, you've always wanted to be in WWE and now you are, you were stretching and fixing your purple ring gear as you waited for the match to end so yours can start, you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turned around and it was the NXT Champion Finn Balor, you introduced yourself to him then it was time for your match, you debuted against Eva Marie and you won, after the match, Finn congratulated you then asked you out.

Cesaro: You've been single for a year now and your ready to start dating again, Nattie offered to set you up on a blind date but you refused because the idea was just too weird, but then Nattie said "what about if we make it a double date ? Me and Tyson can go with you and the mystery man" you agreed since it seemed less scary, that night it was time for your date and you were anxious to know who he was, it was Antonio Cesaro, you had the biggest crush on him, the date went well and after the date you made a second date plan with just you two.

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