Chapter 1: Welcome to my world

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Sweat is starting to run down my back, I can hardly breathe anymore but I have to keep running. I can't get caught. I know who's chasing me but I don't dare to turn around and confirm my fears. I can hear footsteps behind me, the woods are close, just a couple more yards and I'm safe. I could hide in the woods. The footsteps get louder and closer. An arm appears from behind me and I start to scream my lounges out. Someone is shaking me.

"Cia, wake the fuck up already! You've been screaming for the last 5 minutes!" Ocean shouts at me. Slowly I open my eyes and see the light blue walls of my room. Shaking, I look around. I'm safe. I'm home. Ocean looks at me with sleepy eyes "Another nightmare?" his voice is soft, he knows what I've been through. "Yeah, they started again" I whisper to him and lower my head.

"It's not your fault sis, just go back to sleep. It's only 4 a.m. and everyone's still asleep."

"I can't." Ocean rubs the back of his heck and sighs "Scoot over squirt"

"What are you doing?" He looked at me like I'm crazy. "Going back to sleep, can't you see? Now shut up and get some rest, it's too early to argue over this and I'm too tired to go back to my room."

He turned on his side and put an arm around my waist whispering "Good night sis"
"Good night Ocean." I turned my back to him, pretending to go back to sleep. My mind was too hectic; I couldn't stop thinking about my nightmares.

Every year, around this time my nightmares become more frequent. I can't remember exactly how it happened but I'll never forget the fear, pain and my desperate calls for help. I remember the cold, dark room I was in. The smell of rust and damp mixed with the smell of blood, my blood. I don't really know how long I was in that room but they say it was 6 months, it seemed longer.

The pain and fear are the main things I remember, and his voice. I could never forget that cold, diabolic voice that sent shivers down my spine. And running, every once and a while he would untie me and leave the doors open, after the fifth time I stopped taking the bait. He would set me free just so he could capture me all over again.

"Cia, why are you shaking? Are you cold?" Ocean's concerned voice echoed thru the room. I didn't want to tell him I was thinking of that time so I nodded my head; he chuckled and pulled me closer to him. "Silly girl, stop lying to me. You know I can always tell when you're lying."

"I'm not! It's really cold." He didn't buy my lousy attempt at lying and started to run his fingers threw my hair, just like he did when I was little. It calmed me down and I started to drift back to sleep. Last thing I remember before everything went black is him humming "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". I have the best big brother in the world


I opened my eyes when I heard a loud "Oomph". Ocean was no longer sleeping beside me but there was a big lump of black fur in his place. I rubbed my eyes and the lump started to lick my face.

"Shiloh Navy Woods quit licking my face!" As soon as I yelled at him he fell of the bed. I wiped my face with my sleeve and peaked at the floor. There he was, curled in a ball, sleeping. I could never get how my brothers could just fall asleep anywhere and in any form.

"Shiloh, get your fat ass out of my room, now!" He stirred a little but pretended he didn't hear me. I got out of my bed and just as I was gonna poke him in his butt with my foot something knocked me on the floor, or should I say someone.

"Scout, get off of me! You weight a tone!" He scoffed at my words but didn't move an inch. I tried to buckle him off of me but couldn't move. I mean, come on and let me see you try to move a 150kg of fur off your back. His weight soon became even heavier, if that's possible.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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