Untitled Part 2

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Okay I'm supposed to find a guy named Jerry and he'll show me around. You go to the principle's office and he calls jerry on the intercom. A boy walks in and says wadda do girl? You sigh and he walks you to your locker. As you upen the locker Jerry starts talking to the boy in the locker next to you. After Jerry leaves the boy put out and his hand and says I'm Jack. Katie you reply shaking his hand. You know Jerry? Yeah we go to the same dojo and became friends that way. Your eyes widen theyres a dojo in town? Yeah the wasabi dojo. You jump with joy. His eyes follow you and you laugh. It's in the mall, you should come after school. Okay, see you there, my uncle works there. He gives you a confused look and you say Rudy. Ahhhhhh he says. You laugh again and grab your stuff for science. Don't tell Rudy that I'll be there, I want it to be a surprise and since you are the only one who knows... He nods and you walk to science. 

Time skip!

It seemed to take forever for the day to end. You run to your locker almost plowing Jack over in the process you both laugh and walk to the lockers. When you reach there your black belt falls out and he gasps. You chuckle and say the belt was for fashion and had no real value in karate. And he looks at you and gives you the yeah right look. You chuckle awkwardly and show him the belt. He looks at it while you pack up. When you are done you hold out your hand and he rests the belt there. You put the belt in it's special pocket. You grab your scate board and realize he had one to. You smirk and you decide to have a race to the dojo. 3...2...1...GO! You both go off and when you reach there first you cheer and pump your fists. Everyone looks your way and Rudy comes over and gives you a hug as Jack rolls in. He looks slightly angry that you beat him. But he laughs anyway. You start walking but Jack grabs your arm and you gasp in pain. He lets go and tries to roll up your sleeve. You don't let him, you just walk away. /Shit, he almost found out. If he found out he would hunt down my parents and kill them. I always wear makeup to cover up the parts I can't cover like my face. Not even Rudy knows about my past. And I hope he never does./ You change into your gee and reappear in the main room. Jack immidiaitly walks up to you. Why did you gasp when I grabbed your arm? Karate bruises. Jack asks. He tries to pull up your sleeve again but you back away. He sighs. What will get you to tell me? You smirk and say if you beat me in a duel then I will show you. Jerry says oh, then we'll find out soon. You smirk and say maaaaaaaaaybe, making the a sound go longer. You and Jack walk onto the mat and Rudy counts down. 3...2...1...HI he yells. Jack tries to kick your head but you catch his foot and flip him. He gets back up smirking. You swiftly kick his leg and he gets up again. You sigh and when he charges you jump in the air as he goes under you. He hits the ground as you land. But he gets up for the third time. Do you ever stay down you ask. I usually don't go down once so you are good but not my good. He sands another punch your way but you block it and do what you call the double fist twist. He uses his hands to block his face leaving his stomache exposed to your other fist. He falls to the ground and covers his stomache. You run off, grab an ice pack and run back. You place the ice on his stomache while everybody stares at you amazed. You say sorry to Jack but he just keeps moaning and rolling in pain.you take your belt from your bag and use it to keep the ice on his stomache. As soon as your belt comes out they gasp. You say with your hands up, hey, he saw the belt, he knew. Thy just nod and continue staring. After awhile Jack has healed and becomes amazed with the rest of them. You sigh and walk by closing mouthes as you go.

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