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Arthur lazily opened his eyes to see rays of sunshine beaming through his maroon coloured curtains, he turned his head towards his digital clock to see it's already 8 o'clock.

He groaned aloud and sat up right on his bright red king sized bed with ruffled hair, he had had a very tiring night at his office due to arguing with his boss/father about whose favourite television show is better.

Arthur admitted it was a very childish subject but he can't contain his anger anymore when his father said 2 broke girls is trash.

The argument took at least 10 minutes then Arthur admitted defeat, mostly because he can't take anymore of his fathers shitty comments about his favourite show.

After remembering what caused him to go home late last night he finally stood up from his bed and did little stretches.

With only his crown patterned pants on he walked out from his room to be greeted by sunlight passing freely through the huge windows of the apartment that has no curtains.

He squinted his eyes in frustration and setting a mental note to buy curtains for the damn thing, he went to the kitchen to heat up water for his morning tea.

After that he went back to the living room that he shared with Merlin to watch television, He had been living with Merlin ever since they were roommates in university.

Then they went from being roommates to being lovers, and they've never been separated since.

With nothing to watch on the telly he walked into the kitchen once more to prepare himself a bowl of cereal, he grabbed a carton of milk from the refrigerator and a red dragon patterned bowl from the cupboard and poured the milk into the bowl.

Somehow still half asleep, he searched for his favourite cereal in the cupboard and carried the box towards the table.

When he proceeds to pour the cereal into the milk filled bowl to his surprise none of the contents fell out.

Finally out of his trance he hysterically looked inside the box to find it empty, feeling extremely annoyed he sucked in air and yelled aloud, "MERLIIIIIN!" 

Within a few seconds, a man with very ruffled hair and bruised skin stumbled out of his room with only boxers on. Wrinkly boxers.

Upon seeing his boyfriend's state Arthur blushed scarlet red, but quickly his expression turned into annoyance.

"What? What happened?" Merlin asked with worry in his voice and face, a light pink faced Arthur answered,

"THIS happened" he said shoving the empty cereal box to Merlin's face.

"Arthur, that's what happens when you finished eating the content. It gets empty" Merlin replied with certainty and a small smile on his lips.

Arthur growls deeply, "yeah well it's empty because, YOU, Merlin, ate it" Arthur accused him with arms crossed.

"Is this why you screamed my name early in the morning? Mate, don't you think you've screamed my name quite enough last night? And plus, I didn't eat your cereal" Merlin answered finally getting the problem.

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