chapter one

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FIVE YEARS AGO .........................
Marcus king was tired of getting punched in the face. He could deal with blows to his stomach or even take hits to his chest, but blows to the face he couldn't stand. There was just something so magically , spectacularly, painful about getting your face bashed in with someone's fist.

I tried to dodge the next hit , and I partially avoid it , but it still clips my jaw knocking me back into the crowd of my fifth grade peers , that has gathered , cheering , egging us on to fight. I rub my jaw with my hand and when I pull it away, there is fresh blood. Now I'm angry. I look behind me towards the girl who is currently cowering on the ground.

" Hey can you cover your eyes for a Second , I wouldn't you to see what's about to happen"

She nods her head yes , then buries her face into her jacket sleeve .I turn back around and glare at Lance.

" Common marc-ass you really think you can fight me , just a second ago , I remember you had your face kissing up against the wall"

" Lance you know I don't tolerate bullies especially ones that pick on girls. Before I was joking around ,because my older brother and my mother told be not to hit mortals ,but now I don't even care anymore. Your just a spherical idiot, any way I look at you your still stupid"

And with that I settle into the modified fighting position my older brother , Jordan had taught me , fist in front of my face with all my weight on my shifted onto my back leg and my front leg lightly balancing on the front balls of my feet.

Enraged , Lance swings at me trying for the Same punch that sent me spinning backwards , but this time I'm ready. I nimbly step to the side to avoid the strike and then I launch my counter attack.

Seeing that his momentum carriers him Past me , I begin my assault by sticking my foot out tripping Lance up. As he falls forward I reverse pivot on the back foot that my weight is on, catching him on the nose with a smashing roundhouse kick to the face . I then spin around the opposite and as he's falling twords the ground I raise my foot over my head and land a devastating kick too his chest that sends the resounding crack of broken bones echeoing throughout the hallway.Then I straddle his already still body and get a few good punches in too his face, snapping his neck back in forth , left and right , his head banging repeatedly onto the ground from the forcefullness of my strikes . All this happens in under fifteenth seconds. I Rise from his prone body breathing hard . I look around the room and notice that my fifth grade peers aren't cheering anymore. I look down at Lance's body , blood still gushing from his nose like a geyser.

" What, did I do something wrong" I ask not understanding what I just did.

I turn around to where the girl that was cowering is and stretch out my now fairly bloodied right hand to help her up. She removes her face from her jacket sleeve , inclining her head up twords me . She almost takes my hand, then she sees the crimson blood that is still on it. She drawls back from me scooting herself away with her feet until she has put a good distance between herself and me. Even from this distance I can still see the fear in her eyes.

" Sheesh you all act like I killed him, when all I did was just knock him around a good bit. You see that's the problem With you humans , you overreact to everything"

Then I put my hood up , jam in my earbuds , shove my hands into my blue jeans pockets , close my eyes and without a care in the world calmly start to walk twords the crowd of people , And strangely they all split down the middle like the red sea leaving me a path to walk through. none of them reach out to touch me as I walk down the hallway alone.

" Wait...... "

I hear Lance's weak voice call out to me. I stop dead in my tracks.

"What are you"

" That's simple really" I reply.

"I AM A GOD " and then I'm gone.


"Six fractured ribs , an broken nose , and a concussion Marcus. You could have at least left his nose alone" my mom scolded

Apparently the school had called after Lance's parents had complained about him being attacked by a demon. I had calmly came home to my mother and tried to explained that it wasn't a demon it was only me, a God . And Once again she acted like it was a big deal.

" Mom you know I can't help protecting others. It's part of the legacy of the king family."

" Well there's other ways to protect people withought the use of violence. Now go to your room and think about them your grounded until I'm dead."

"Yes mother" I reply and I head upstairs to my room.

"Marcus?" She says in a questioning tone the slightest hint of a smile creeping onto her face.

I stop walking up the stairs and turn back around to face my mom.

" Was there a lot of blood ?"

" Oh yeah there was blood everywhere!" I say getting excited.

" That's my boy" my mom says and I leap of the stairs into her open arms.

Authors note: Marcus is not really a god(yet). He just has a teeny bit of a god complex . Please share , vote and add this too your library cuz I need more views bad. Views goal is 30 and votes goal is 25. ( From now till the end of the book another chapter will still come even if you don't meet the goals) also you can check out my other book it's called REWIND and I'm sure you'd like it. Remember hit that star on the way out!

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