Don't be a hero (Pokemon fanfict) [Pokewatty Awards Winner 2013]

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Don’t be a hero

<Johto region, Mount Silver>

“Don’t wonder too far out, Tommy!” His mother called out.

Tommy nodded and walked out of the Pokecenter. He did not understand why his parents wanted to move to this Arceus-forsaken place anyway. He was happy in Pewter City. He had friends, a life… All that was gone.

Slowly, he walked around and explored the small town set up in the middle of nowhere. Everybody he met was old and aged. Some seemed ready to collapse at any moment. There was no one his age at the town at all – no one who could possibly relate to him.

Sighing, Tommy walked absent-mindedly along the dirt road. His new life here was going to be horrible.

“Hey kid, where’re you goin’?”

Tommy quickly turned around, only to come face to face with an extremely tall and well-built man. “Wow!” He exclaimed as he quickly backed off a couple of steps.

“That’s right.” The man nodded. “You wouldn’t want to go there if you’re smart.”

“Don’t tell me what to do. Who do you think you are, my father?” Tommy said defiantly.

“This road leads to the woods, where some fearsome Pokémon live. Are you sure you’re prepared for this?” The man asked.

“Of course!” Tommy lied. He wasn’t even a trainer yet, even though he was already twelve. His parents refused to get him a starter Pokémon when he turned ten as they felt it was too dangerous for him.

“Show me your Pokémon then.” The man said. “If you impress me, I’ll let you through.”

Tommy frowned. He reached his hand into his pocket and said, “Don’t blink.”

The man seemed intrigued and bent down for a closer look.

“Here!” Tommy took his hands out and poked the man harshly in the eyes.

“Uwaargh…!” The man quickly covered his eyes with his hands and let out a string of profanities that would make a sailor blush. “Arceus! You son of a…”

Tommy stuck out his tongue. “Oops, my bad.” He said as he ran towards the forest. “Better luck next time.”

“Kid, wait-”

It was too late. Tommy did not stop to listen and ran deeper into the forest. Soon, the branches overhead formed a continuous canopy, which enveloped Tommy in darkness.

The sense of victory vanished quickly as Tommy got tired from running. He stopped to catch his breath and took in his new surroundings. The forest was dark and everything around him seemed to cast an eerie shadow. He took a step back and felt his feet coming into contact with moist grass. Wait… moist grass?

Tommy quickly turned to look at where he came from and sure enough, he was surrounded by forest. The dirt trail which he once followed was long gone. Panic started to set in. How was he going to escape?

“Okay… Calm down.” Tommy said to himself. “What would my parents do?”

“Stay calm and wait for help.” Tommy could imagine his father saying. “Don’t be a hero. Don’t try to escape on your own.”

Tommy nodded and sat in the floor. Help was on the way… Right? The man who Tommy provoked… he was a guard. His duty was to rescue people like Tommy right? Or was he going to stay quiet and leave Tommy all alone in the forest? Okay, maybe provoking that man was not such a good idea after all.

Don't be a hero (Pokemon fanfict) [Pokewatty Awards Winner 2013]Where stories live. Discover now