Hanzo x Reader

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Every step shot pain through your back and you groaned, leaning against the wall. For a second, you took slow, deep breaths but they did little to calm you and you angrily threw down the gun slung across your back. Hauling that thing around would turn you into the hunchback of Notre Dame, you just knew it. The weight of it had taken it's toll and screwed up your back. Perhaps a trip to Mercy would help...

Someone else was walking down the hall towards you. You groaned and, with a huge effort, reached down and picked up the gun. You really didn't want to seem weak in front of one of the other heroes.

Unfortunately, it was the ever observant Hanzo Shimada. He was putting his dark hair up when he came across you and noticed the look of pain on your face. Perhaps you had been injured in the most recent fight? The marksman went over to you and frowned. "_____? Is something wrong?" He asked.

You grimaced and shook your head, forcing yourself to put the rifle on your back again despite the pain it caused. "Nah I'm good," you managed to get out.

Hanzo wasn't convinced. "Do you need to see Mercy?" He asked. "I can help you get there."

You shook your head again and started to walk again so you could get away from him before he crushed your pride and realized how hurt you were. Unfortunately, the pain caused you to wobble and the Japanese man had to reach out and put his hands delicately on your shoulders, steadying you. A lock of your hair fell in your eyes and he chuckled softly, taking a moment to admire how pretty you were. "Come on, tell me what's wrong," he said with his normal, stern expression.

You groaned, not wanting to admit to the hero you admired the most, maybe even had a crush on, that your stupid gun was hurting your back. But it was obvious he wasn't gonna let this go.

"My rifle is heavy and... it makes my back ache," you admitted, looking down.

Hanzo continued to support you. You looked up at him, but there wasn't amusement or anything mocking in his expression.

"If you don't want to go to Mercy, maybe I could help," he said.

You raised an eyebrow. "How?" You asked curiously.

"I know how to do a decent back rub. If you want, I could give you one. It might soothe the pain."

To be honest, that sounded wonderful. But maybe a bit awkward too. It surprised you he knew how to do that, but then again, he'd been all over the place. Hanzo didn't talk very much about his past but you knew after he left the Shimada clan he'd been a wanderer. He must've learned all kinds of things. Besides it might be kinda nice to get some time with your crush.

"Alright," you said slowly. "Where should we go?"

The man still helped support you, walking towards the room he stayed in. He took your rifle and slung it over his back with his bow and arrow, an incredible relief for you but also an embarrassment. "Sorry," you murmured quietly.

Hanzo shook his head. "Don't be," he said. "Just relax."

Easy for him to say. Eventually you got to his room. It was simple and clean with white walls and a light blue cover on the bed. He opened the door for you and gestured to his bed. "Go ahead and lay down."

He left the door open a crack as you lied flat on your stomach on the bed. Hanzo came over and took a pillow, putting it under your chest to prop you up and make you more comfortable.

The marksman ran his hand down your spine, causing you to shiver. But just that simple touch was soothing and you hummed in approval.

He started with your neck, rubbing little circles on it before actually going deep and massaging the sore muscles. He was good, his hands gentle but firm at the same time. Your eyes slowly fluttered shut. He moved some of your hair to get to your neck better.

After a bit, he moved his hands down lower, massaging your upper back. This was where it hurt the most and you sighed in relief as he identified the points where the pain was the worst and carefully rubbed them into submission.

"Hanzo," you murmured softly. "Thank you so much."

Hanzo nodded and ran his hand down your spine again. "It's no problem," he said.

He had you like jelly at this point, all relaxed and soothed. Pain? What pain? All you could focus on was his hands gently rubbing your tired muscles. He began to hum softly as he worked, some old song he'd heard from his father back when he was younger.

After a while, he pulled his hands back. "Is that good?"

"Hmm, yeah," you murmured, content to just fall asleep on his bed. He noticed and ran his fingers through your hair, an action that practically made you purr. "Thank you so much," you said.

"I'm glad to help," he said, smiling at you. A smile from him was a rare sight, considering his face was normally fairly stern. Not to mention handsome. You stood up and prepared to leave when a touch on your shoulder stopped you. Your ever stubborn hair hung in your eyes again and he brushed it away. "You're very pretty, you know that?" He said.

Your cheeks turned a faint pink and you smiled. "Thank you, Hanzo."

Hanzo nodded and looked around before slowly leaning into you. He hesitated before murmuring softly, "may I kiss you?"

Your stomach dropped and you stood frozen for a moment. "What?" You whispered in shock.

"I want you to know I think you're just stunning," he said. "Like a cherry blossom. If it's okay with you, I'd like to kiss you." His voice had an edge of nervousness to it.

"Yes," you breathed. "Oh yes," you added a little louder.

Hanzo chuckled and leaned forward, brushing a kiss against your nose before moving to your lips, wrapping his arms around your waist. You put your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his soft hair. He smoothed his hands down your back, rubbing your shoulders gently. He was your dragon, powerful and protective. He made you feel warm and safe in his arms. Gently he touched your thigh and coaxed you to lift it up and around his waist. You got the hint and did the same with your other leg, jumping a bit. He caught you by your thighs, his tough hands supporting you. It was an amazing kiss and ended all too quickly.

So you took another one.

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