Chapter 1

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Ford crashed through the door. A huge grin was on his face as he raced through the house trying to find Fiddleford.
"Fiddleford! Fiddleford!" He screamed urgent to tell him something.
"What!?" Fidd yelled back. He was in the kitchen working on a prototype of a new gadget. Ford bounded into the kitchen, grinning from ear to ear.
"What happened?" Fidd grew excited.
"I found it! I finally found it!" He exclaimed as he pulled his journal from his coat.
"You found it!" Fidd got up from his chair and skipped toward Ford.
"After months I finally pinpointed where the unicorns live!" Ford flipped to a certain page to an old map. "See if these coordinates are right then the unicorn glade would be right here" he circled a position on the map with his finger.
"Wow really? And my father used to smack me on the head for believing in unicorns" Fidd sighed.
"I'm sorry Fidd" Ford patted him on the back.
"For what? All the years of getting hit. Don't be sorry for me because now I have you and I can prove him wrong. When are we going to find the unicorns?" Fidd kissed Ford on the cheek.
"Well I was thinking now but I think it's getting late and would probably be better to get a good nights rest" Ford kissed Fidd's nose in return.
"Yeah, that's probably best and dinners almost ready" Fidd smiled up at Ford before going over the the oven and taking a giant pot of soup off of the stove.

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