My Home World

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I went back to Home World today and I saw a new gem she looked beautiful. I saw my friend Lapis and my friend Peridot. Peridot Ran up to me and jumped on me "my little gem is back!" She shouted, "Peridot I missed you do much how are you?!" Great," "oh and Peridot...I am not a little gem you are." She smiled and Lapis walked toward me and I said, "my mission is complete but my hug from you isn't!" She smiled walked up to me and I laughed. "I've missed you it's been long since I've seen you." She almost squished me and I asked, "if this will help you out will you please fuse with me?" She nodded yes. We did our dance and I caught her. I saw the new gem come close to Peridot on the corner of my eye. She slouched on a wall with her arms folded in confusion. We fused into a giant beautiful lady. "Who is she?" Jasper asked, "That is Emris the best fusion ever to exist, they were lovers and then this gem who I jumped on is Emerald she had a mission and was gone for a long time,but now she's back. She's the best gem on Home World and the toughest. She is a legend and their love was legendary." She smiled, "Ah back in form as Emris it has been so long since I was here...Oh Peridot I haven't seen that face of yours in three years,i could pick you up and hold you for a long time... Who's this sack of preciousness?" I picked Peridot up and she said, "this is Jasper." "Well I am Emris and nice to meet you I am a famous fusion on this planet. I am a huge comedian but so elegant." She said, "Aren't you just a sack of funniness," "I am and I came back still the same." We unfused and then I asked Lapis are you okay?" She nodded and I said "well I might have to go talk with blue diamond and see if Ruby and Sapphire made it to Home World safely. I grabbed Lapis's hand and held her cheek with the other,and said, "I promise I will stay here with you I won't leave you ever again," she was about to cry but I kissed her head and said, "I want to make things right again." She hugged me in my armor and it had a jangle sound to it. She kissed my cheek and I let go of her. "See you after I visit Blue Diamond." I left into the other room and bowed down to her with Ruby and Sapphire bowing down too. "Is your mission complete gems?" "Yes ma'am we destroyed the ones who threatened our home." Ruby said, "They won't be bothering us again Blue Diamond." She smiled "good,now go and have fun and celebrate." Ruby and Sapphire walked out and I was behind them. I was about to walk out and then Blue Diamond said, "not you Emerald...We have much to discuss." I closed the door with Ruby,Sapphire,and the others watching me close the door. "Yes ma'am?" She looked like she was about to break some horrible news to me so I just embraced it. "I heard the rebels are coming to attack us," "really? I will get ready for war ma'am," I was about to put my hand on the door but she spoke, "no," I was about to burst. "NO!What do you mean NO?!" "I need you to stay here and protect the other clods." "Why,they can protect themsel-" "Enough! The red gems and the blue gem will do this by themselves,understood?" "Understood," I had a huge angry face and I felt like I needed to protect Ruby and the other red gems and Sapphire but rules will be rules. I bowed down to her and I left. They all stared at me in concern,Ruby said, "what happened are you okay?" I was about to nod yes but Sapphire said, "no she is not we have to defeat the rebels tonight and your friends can help, I will get ready for battle." She left the room and Ruby was pacing and called for her two red gem friends. I was ready to protect them and so I pulled my weapon out of my neck it was a bow and arrows. The arrows had a sharp heart with a gem in the middle and the bow had my name on it and the wood had vines on it. Jasper came towards me and asked "why do you have vines on your bow?" I said, "I control nature," she smiled Lapis watered them when we were together to keep them strong and healthy. "Nice," she smiled and I smirked I said, "if they defeat the rebels tonight,maybe we can go for a walk and get to know each other?" "Yeah sure the rebels are only a couple of gems the pearl and the amazing Rose Quartz." I stood my ground and had it ready to aim. Jasper had her he'd hammer thing. She looked stunning,but I have Lapis it will be me and Lapis together forever.

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