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A Seawing Rainwing hybrid whispered to a Nightwing. "You think she is going to be perfect?" The female whispers, watching the hidden egg closely.
"It's going to be perfect deary.... Calm down..." The large male smiled, holding her close.
"Look! She's hatching!" Shadowheart exclaimed, hanging onto her mate close. She watched as it wobbled, pieces of egg fell into the wet grass of the border of the Rainwing kingdom. "Come on...." She whispered, starting to crawl towards it. "Don't be shy...."
The blackish blue egg stopped wobbling, a dark small hole was in the egg now. A little hand popped out, shiny purple scales glittered in the moonlight. A squeak of confusion came from the dragonet.
Both the parents gasped as the egg broke apart, a little black dragonet looked up at them was dark purple eyes.
"She's.... Beautiful..." The male whispered, studying her quietly. "What about the other?-"
"Come here...." Shadowheart cut him off, pulling the dragonet softly and holding it in her arms. "Shadow would be a nice name."
"What about death? Death sounds good, besides that won bother." The Nightwing chuckled, picking up the egg shell.
"NO! Why in the world would we name it Death! She is kind, like a shadow she is....."
"Death.... Shadow.... Deathshadow. Yeah, Deathshadow." The male smiled, snatching softly the dragonet.
"NOOO! I WANT-" she gasped, "Give her back to me NOW!"
"No. We name her Deathshadow or I'll crush her little skull now." He smiled, putting his talons on the soft tissue of the little dragonet's head.
Shadowheart winced, "Alright Alright but just don't hurt her!" She cried out, "We need to raise her properly!"
"Let's go then, miss "raise her properly"..." He snarled. Getting up with the dragonet, he started out deeper into the rainforest.
"WAIT UP!" She cried again, scrambling after him.

Deathshadow's PastDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora