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  • Dedicated to You who have hidden yourself from the world

“You’re not alone, you never are. The world will push you down and, you won’t know it, but there will always be a hundred people ready to pull you back up.” – A wise writer.

Let it go

Let it soar

Cut the ties

Forget yourself

Forget your lies

Let that string go and fly

Don’t tell yourself you’re not good enough

You are better than that

You’re that girl who pretends to not care

Who hides it all with a mask and a laugh

Inside your hurt and all it does is build

Someday it will escape

Let it go

Let it soar

Don’t fall prey to the lies they feed you

You are better than that

You are the girl who doesn’t let anyone in

Who puts up a shield and takes offense

You are the missing piece in this game

We can’t play without you

Let it go

Let it soar

I am that girl who hides it all with a smile

Who secretly hates hiding the tears

I am that girl with her head in her hands

Staring at the floor wanting it all to stop

I am the girl who is breaking inside

Who smiles relentlessly no matter how much it hurts

I know you've heard it before

We all do it

We all hide

When will we fly. . .

Your life is full of it

You might as well live it truly

Follow your own heart

Let your own wings beat

Let the sound of the wind fill you

Tear off that mask

No more hiding

Stop lying to yourself

You know what you are doing

Stop it

Stop it now

Let it go

Let it fly

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