Pass The Vibes

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She had walked into the library and was greeted of the smell of stale pages and hard knowledge. It was quite a normal sunny September day. She was freshly rejuvenated by the restart of her yearly cycle. It was her 21st. It had been a while since she came to the library, but today she thought maybe she would switch up the usual routine. The aged air was nostalgic; reminiscent of the times she had spent in her high school's library with...the enigma. What she was sure of was the connotation: positive. She enjoyed being in the element again.
After she had finished revisiting the mental time capsule that had been repressed, she started her hunt for a good read. She didn't expect it to keep her attention enough to take it with her, but she wanted something to pass the time or rather accompany her nostalgia with some subtle substance. The search was not thorough, but the item found was contrary to the former's simplicity. It was the first entry in the Twilight series. Childish, but ironically convenient for the way the library originally made her feel. The book generated a plethora of enigmatic conversation. It brought about the same feelings of nostalgia.
With her second dealing in nostalgia finally subsiding, she proceeded to the section of the library that seated the people who wished to loiter. She had always been a fan of the most segregated section of the library, but this time something odd attracted her there. She felt a sincerely familiar presence that peaked her curiosity. It was confusing her because she did not know what was bringing her to the place. She did not feel she was moving by choice. She finally turned the corner that led to the endpoint of the destination and a wave of green and purple filled her body. It was him.
He saw her and knew they would run into each other one of the many days he had been there. It was crazy for it to be the day before he departed. He had wanted to continue to be faithful to being exactly where he had sat all summer. And he did just that. He did it everyday from the 16th hour until close for four fortnights while he acted as an apprentice for a nearby public defender. He knew her just that much that he could deduce where she would sit. This man had willed his longtime confidant and lover to his presence like it were voodoo.
He was surprised, but confident it was nothing aside from divine intervention. She had nothing but the most blank expression in her eyes. He was ready to move forward with interaction and she was continuing to seize in her mind. She sought answers and ironically he did too, but they didn't have the same questions. They used different grades of fuel. One was curious while the other was confused.
One thing that was the same was the rage they both possessed for each other. It was a passionate hatred, but one that arose from the feeling of hurt. They both knew it was each others' fault individually, but it was the collective fault of both of them that got them to where they both stood. Now all that stands is where they go from there. It's up to the reader to write their future, because in reality it was too perfect to happen in the first place.

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