My heart will go on

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Newton couldn't help but block the chatter of his mother and his fiancé out. He stared out of the window, wondering about the people outside his carriage. The sun was shining with its full grace, promising a good day for the children playing outside and people on streets occupied with jobs.

Newton sighed, seeing people looking at their golden carriage in wonder and envy. Little girls were asking their mothers if there was a princess, men were wondering what beautiful girl was hiding in there. Newton loved to watch, though after the death of his father nothing was the same anymore.

First thing was his mother losing a lot of their belongings and her dignity. Second was giving Newton to a man who was known for being cruel but rich for the matter.

Another sigh left his lips, eyes watching a group of girls pointing happily at each other's dresses. There were beaming smiles on their chubby faces and deep flush on their flustered cheeks.

"And the ship is the biggest one ever made, I can tell you. The captain told me everything- Newton, are you even listening?"

At hearing his name, the British boy turned to face Janson. "Sorry, Sir. I was just looking outside. It's a beautiful day."

Janson frowned at him. "You're so off lately. Please, get yourself together," he said. "It's the ship of dreams. Enjoy it"

More like a slave ship, Newton muses, the final moments of his freedom.

"We can't have you embarrassing us when we arrive. I want you at your best. There are a lot of important people there," Newton's mother perked in.

Newton fixed his eyes to his lap. "Sorry, Sir. Sorry, mother. I was just looking outside, not the end of the world."

Janson rolled his eyes, exactly when Newton did the same. "You're a hard horse to tame, Newton." But I'll break you. The last part of the phrase went unsaid, for Janson was careful with his words when Ms. Bukater was around.

Newton closed his eyes, leaning back into his chair and wondering if anyone could hear him screaming deep inside.
Minho's eyes narrowed while looking at the cards in his hands. Just a few meters away from the bar he could see the ship of promises and dreams, making itself ready for the long distance journey to America.

New York was a dream for Minho, the beautiful and promising city always in the back of his mind. Now, in the midst of a card game, he realized he's never been this close to a dream of his.

The other men in the game didn't look happy at all, but for all Minho knew it could all be poker faces.

"Okay guys... show your cards. Winner gets the money and two tickets for the ship of dreams, the Titanic," a chubby man announced.

Minho narrowed his eyes a little, watching his best friend Alby do the same before everyone dropped their cards on the table. Chubby Guy #1 had the worst cards Minho could ever imagine. Alby had a decent few cards and almost a full house. Chubby Guy #2 had a full house with all the 4's in the game.

Minho stood up from his chair, grinning down at Alby, before showing his full house with Queens. Alby jumped up right after him, squeezing Minho in a tight hug, before they both started chanting and singing happily.

"Ship of our dreams, here we come!
They had to race to the ship to make it.

It wasn't too hard for they only had one bag of luggage and a little crowd to work through. When they got to the ship, finally tumbling inside, they didn't complain about how busy and crowded the third class was. It was all Minho could ever dream of. Sitting on the railing of the dream ship, on his way to New York, a cigarette between his teeth and Alby right by his side.

My heart will go onWhere stories live. Discover now