They Meet (Chp. 1)

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It all started with the renowned football jock leaving practice particularly late that night. He was the only one left after a very long, grueling day. It was already dark and the only source of illumination was by the few artificial lights lining the field. The bleachers stood dark and abandoned. Or so Finn thought. He walked to one stand of bleachers with the intent of getting his duffel bag and going straight home. But apparently, fate had other plans for him tonight. As Finn approached the bleachers he smelled the weed first. A musky, skunk-like scent. Then he saw the smoke curling up into the chilly November air from a source in between the rows of metal bleachers. As he came closer a small orange and white corgi appeared to be asleep on the stomach of the smoker. The slim fingers of Poe Dameron held the joint, poised to meet his lips once again.
Poe Dameron had quite the reputation in their high school. Being a punk did not help his image either. Poe Dameron was known among the popular people and jocks as a "good for nothing stoner". Many parents and teachers considered him to be a rebellious, misbehaved, ignorant, rule-breaker. And a rule breaker he was. Rebellious and misbehaved? Oh, for sure. But ignorant...that was one thing that Poe Dameron was not. In fact, Finn soon learned that Poe Dameron would be one of the most intelligent people he would come to meet. And yes, he was also a stoner. But he was certainly not good for nothing. He was very good at many things. He just had to decide on whether they were worth doing or not. Luckily, Finn was not one to judge from rumors alone as they were often made of misconceptions and lack of understanding.
So when Finn found Poe Dameron laying amongst the cold, damp, metal bleachers on that cold November night he was compelled to make small talk with him. Finn knows that if the other jocks caught him talking to the punk rocker he would be teased incessantly about it. Yet, something in him made him stay in his place until Poe Dameron noticed him standing there.
Poe finally noticed Finn and said,  "Oh, hey dude. Finn right? You're that...that star jock guy. Wanna get high with me?"
Little did many people know, Finn's home life was not in prime condition. Both of his parents came from very rich, self-centered families and they expected nothing less from themselves or their son. By some miracle, Finn did not turn out like his parents. He had a heart of gold, as some might say. And because of this, his parents were not the kindest towards him or his actions. Football season was often the worst time of year for his home life. So, Finn agreed and shared a joint with Poe Dameron.
They passed the joint back and forth, not speaking a word to each other. Until, Poe spoke up with very intoxicated kind of way. "Dude...we're like. Indirectly...kissing. Right now." Poe said, carrying on smoking like nothing unusual or awkward had just happened. Finn, however, was very affected by the statement and blushed profusely as he took another drag from the joint.
It seemed to take Poe a few more moments to register that what he said probably wasn't appropriate to say to a straight, popular jock. Little did Poe Dameron know was that Finn was far from the straight guy that everyone perceived him to be. Finn was not a very private person. He liked to share as much as he could about himself without it becoming over sharing and awkward. The only two things stopping Finn from telling the whole, wide world that he was gay were his parents and his football coach.
Freshman year of high school, Finn had a new boyfriend. The first day they came to school as a couple, he came to watch Finn in football practice. They were quite obviously a couple to those who were paying attention and the football coach took issue to that. They lived in a fairly close minded town as the perpetual suburban state they lived in was a few years behind from the rest of the world ideologies. Therefore, the star football player being gay was a big no no around there. The football coach approached them and told Finn that if he was caught with a boy again he would be kicked off the team for good. Needless to say, they were broken up.
Finn's parents were also quite close minded and very judgmental. Horrifically against anything they couldn't understand, such as LGBT people. So, he obviously couldn't let them find out or his life would literally end. So Finn pushed it deep down and tried to become interested in girls. And, thankfully for Poe Dameron, it didn't work.
          While Finn was lost in thought, he didn't seem to notice that he had started to shiver from a combination of his sweat slick skin and the rapidly cooling night air. However, Poe was watching Finn's every move and offered his jacket to the jock. Poe's brown leather jacket was very punk. Covered in messy stitches and patches from many years of use and it was obviously well loved.
        Finn accepted the jacket, once again blushing. "T-thank y-y-you." Finn mumbled through his chattering teeth. It wasn't until Poe's jacket was resting on his shoulders for quite a few moments and more smoking that he noticed there was a small rainbow flag patch on the right lapel. He blushed even more than before, if that was even possible as he realized. 'Holy shit. This hot punk is gay!' He thought. But he quickly squashed down that hopeful feeling and scolded himself saying it wouldn't matter either way because Finn had to be straight.
        They finished the last of the joint and Poe stood up, the corgi bouncing around him in excitement. He brushed himself and the dog off and offered Finn a hand up.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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