True Love

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Laurence X Reader

This is a Laurence X reader 1 shot. This is also kinda a makeup because I know I haven't been posting a lot of my other fanfic and I hope you enjoy!


F/N- first name

L/N- last name

H/L- hair length

H/C- hair color

F/C- favorite color

S/F/C- second favorite color

H/N- horse name

I was running for days. Still trying to find a place to call home. I came across 5 villages, but all did not want me. As I was walking through the woods I saw two guys in guard uniform. I did not want to be  suspicious so I hid my bow and put up my hood. "You!" One of the guards yelled, "Who are you and what is your business here?" I knew if I told them the truth they would not believe me so I put on my best smile and prayed this worked. "I am just some maiden who went out for a stroll. I hope I did not disturb you I will be going now." I started walking but then my bow fell out. "Wait! A maiden who went for a stroll would not have a bow on her. Who are you really?" Before I could answer I grabbed my bow and ran. Before I knew it I was running from two guards who I didn't even know. Soon I was at a dead end. I drew my bow and said, "Don't move! I have a bow and let me tell you I never miss." They laughed and one with a deep voice said, "'Please! Just try!" I didn't want to kill them so I looked up and saw they were above a apple tree. I had an idea. "You asked for it!" I drew two arrows from my quiver and shot right at the apple tree. "Ha missed!" One of the guards laughed. "I told you before," I said looking down, "I never miss." Right at that time two apples from the tree fell down on both of the guards heads and I made a run for it. "Wooohooo~" I yelled but then I ran into a man with no shirt on and black hair. "Aaron!" One of the guards yelled, "Hold that woman down!" The man grabbed me and pinned me on the ground. Then one of the guards came over a ripped my hood down and saw my H/L H/C with a streak of F/C and my F/C ears and tail. " Come on mef'wia, your coming with us." He pulled me by the arm and dragged me to a big set of gates. Inside were many people doing many different things. But before I could tell what they were doing the man pulled me up to a purple house with white details. The guard knocked on the door and a woman with long black hair with hazel eyes answered the door. "Laurence! Hey, what are you-" she stopped and then looked at me. "Umm Laurence.. Who is that?" She said pointing to me. "Lord Aphmau," the guard who I am assuming is Laurence said, "Me and Garroth found this woman in the woods who ran, and then drew a weapon and then attacked us." I rolled my eyes. Having an apple dropped on someone's head is not attacking."Hmmmm. Did she tell you who she is and why she was near Phoenix Drop?" So that is where I am, 1 step closer to leaving this place. "No," said Laurence, " I was just about to take her a cell to get some answers. I wanted to come to you and ask if you could come with me. You are very good at squeezing  information out of people." She laughed and then said she would meet him there in a few minutes. Before I knew it he threw me in a cell and waited. "Well," the man said,"as we are waiting for Aphmau. Tell me who you are." I remained quiet. My mom always said if you don't want people to know who you are. Say nothing. "Hmmmmm. So your the quiet type?" I said nothing back. "I'm here!" Aphmau walked in and sat next to Laurence. "So while I was gone did she spill anything?" Aphmau asked. Laurence shook his head and said, "Nope. She's the kind of person who says nothing." Yup and I was going to stay that way. As they were trying to get me talk I started remembering why I wanted to find a new village. It took me a while but now I remember. Zane. When we were little me and Zane were best friends. He showed me a side of him I never saw before. Soon my feelings changed. I loved Zane. He was going to ask my adoptive parents for their approval to marry me. But I happened to be passing by so I watched to see what happened. As soon as they did not give Zane approval he looked furious. I watched in horror as he killed them. That was when I ran away. I got knocked out of my trance when a new voice in the room asked, "Do you work for Zane in anyway?" I got mad. Any time I hear that name I freak out. I ran up to the bars and yelled "NO! ZANE IS THE WORST I AM NOT THAT EVIL!!!" At that moment I realized that there was a new man in the room. "Ah Ha!! So you are a criminal!" I rolled my eyes and said back, "Please! The only crime I've committed was getting caught by two weak links." I was quiet the rest of the night. And the night after. And the night after that. But out of all of those nights I realized they did not want to kill me. All the other villages were planning death for me so I escaped. So the next night as Laurence was leaving for the night I said, "Hey. Let's talk." He stood still for a second and then replied, "I have no interest in talking to you." I really needed to talk so I used my magic to lock the door and teleport out of my cell, "I said. Lets talk." He stood up straight but I could tell he was unsure and nervous, "Go on." He said. "I'm going to strike you a deal. I tell you about me and you let me live in your village. I will do all that I can to help." He looked at me like I was crazy and then I added on, " Look, when you come to try and talk to me tomorrow I will tell you everything. Just let me out of here." I unlocked the door and let him put me back in the cell. Faster than I could have blinked it was morning and Laurence, Aphmau and the other guard who chased me, Garroth, were in the prison. "Ok!" Aphmau said, "Let's start. Again." I took one glance at Laurence. As Aphmau started asking questions I cut her off by saying, "I'm not giving any information about myself until Laurence accepts my deal." All eyes went on Laurence. "GAH! Fine!" He yelled, probably annoyed at all of the eyes on him. I smiled and told them everything about me. But I left out the part of my magic. "My name is F/N L/N I was in the woods looking for a village to call home. I ran cause I lost hope in finding one and did not want to deal with two guards at the time.I would never work for Zane if my life depended on it. I had a horse named H/N but I lost her when I was running from another village." Everyone's mouths were opened wondering why I just told them almost everything about me. I smiled and told Laurence, "Well, I put up my end of the bargain, now you do yours." He sighed, walked up to the cell and let me out. "Umm.. Laurence, what are you doing?" The guard Garroth said. Laurence sighed again and said, "Last night as I was leaving F/N told me if I let her out and be apart of our village she would tell us all about her." I walked out of the cell and said, "Welp! What can I do to help?" Everyone was still a bit shocked about what happened but Aphmau then broke the silence but saying, "Well... Laurence," she said looking in Laurence's direction, "Why don't you go show F/N around and introduce her to everyone." Laurence nodded as was about to leave with me when Aphmau added, "Oh! And when you introduce her to Travis, please keep her at least 7 feet away from him." I was confused  but Laurence just nodded and started to show me around. I met Dante, Kawaii~Chan, Aaron, and he apologized about pinning me to the ground. After Aaron, Laurence said, "Ok, so next you will meet Travis, and stay a distance." I was still confused about why so I asked, "Ummm.. Why do I need to keep my distance from Travis?" He said stopped walking and then replied, "Let's just say Travis has ALOT of personality. Hey Travis!" We stopped walking and I saw a man with green eyes and white hair. He looked fine to me. "Hey Laurence what's- woah." He said looking at me, "Hey baby~, yo Laurence who's your friend?" He started walking towards us, and Laurence kept pushing me back. Soon we were about to hit the wall so we just started walking towards him. "Travis, I'd like you to meet F/N she's new to Phoenix Drop and I'm showing her around." I still don't see why I needed to keep my distance but then I found out. "Sooo F/N," Travis said, " As you now I am Travis, but you can call me hot stuff if you want." He then winked at me and kissed my hand. I just wanted to move on to the next person so I said, "Oook. Laurence why don't you say we move on? Bye Travis!" I then fast walked away and prayed Laurence got the hint. "So I see you now know why Aphmau told you to keep your distance?" Laurence said smirking. "Yes. Message delivered." I said a little bit shaking. He laughed and then said, "Well everyone else is out doing something and it's getting dark." I looked up and the sun was about to set. Knowing I don't have my own house to sleep in I started walking towards the prison because that's the only place with a bed I can stay in. "Ummmm," Laurence said, " what are you doing?" I stopped and replied, "Oh, well since I don't have a house I just thought I could sleep I the prison. Cause that's the only place I could stay." He grabbed my hand and said, "No, I insist you stay at my house. I know how uncomfortable those beds are." I slightly blushed but quickly hid it, "No that's fine, I've slept on worse than a  prison bed." He then wouldn't let go of my hand and then started tugging me across the village. I sighed and said, "Do I have a choice?" He smiled and the said, "Nope!" Sooner or later we reached his house. I stood looking at it for a while while he went to get some blankets and some pj's for me. After a few minutes I was wearing some of Laurence's small clothing and laying on his couch. "Ok," he said, " Your all ready to sleep and if you need me I will be in my room." He started walking to his room when I said, "Thank you." He stopped and replied, " Your welcome F/N. Goodnight." I closed my eyes and then fell asleep. I had the same nightmare I always had, every night even when I was a kid. People yelling at me, throwing things at me after they found out who I really was. But I guess it helped cause it made me hide it even more. I risked teleporting out of the cell to talk to Laurence but hopefully he doesn't think anything of it. I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I looked in the kitchen and saw Laurence cooking. I crawled out of the couch and sat at the dining table. "Good morning sleepyhead." Laurence said, "I hope you like pancakes." I laughed and said, "Who doesn't?" After I got into my normal clothes and ate breakfast Laurence said that Garroth had to go on a mission so I had to help him patrol today. As we were going to the gates I did my best to avoid Travis. He seems like a good guy but he got me a little creeped out. We were in the forest for a little over an hour when we heard a cry of pain. "What was that!" Laurence said. I shrugged and we started to head over where the noise was coming from. As we turned a corner we saw a horse stuck under a tree trunk. I gasped and yelled running over to the horse, "H/N! I thought I lost you girl!" I tried my best to lift the trunk off of her and then Laurence joined in we got the trunk off of her. She had cuts and bruises all over her but we helped her to Phoenix Drop. As we were just coming in Aphmau saw us and H/N and ran over to help. "Oh my Irene! What happened to this horse?" I explained that this was my horse that I lost and that she got trapped under a trunk. She helped us get her to the stables and the people working there tended to her. The rest of the day I helped the village and then as it was getting dark started heading over to Laurence's house. I got ready and started reading book waiting for Laurence to get home. After about 30 minutes he came in the house and said, "F/N! Good your here. I have cool news." He ran inside, plopped his stuff down and jumped on the couch I the space next to me. "Well, what's the cool news?" I asked putting my book down. "Ok ok! So Aphmau saw all the good stuff you were doing for the village and told all of the strongest men to build you your own house!" I know it was just a house but it tells me that this village really does care about me. So I was super happy. But I had no clue why he was so happy. "That's awesome!" I said jumping up from the couch. And for some reason Laurence grabbed my hands and spun me around.  And for some reason I spun around too.

True Love- Laurence X Reader (Long one-shot)Where stories live. Discover now