Chapter One

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The sound of loud banging slammed into my dreams, pulling me into reality and waking me. I sat up and squinted around. My older sister kicked the door open, it wasn't the best at staying shut. Her black hair came down to her shoulders, she had straight bangs aswell.

"Bax if you don't get out of that bed I'm throwing it in the creek." The pale girl snapped.

I glared at her, "Why do I have to wake up at nine on a Saturday exactly? Last time I checked Matt helped you with the laundry."

Nikki sighed and pinched her nose, "We already talked about this Bax. Maybe if you slowed down the pot you'd remember. Matt is working graveyard tonight, you need to pick up some chores anyways you're not eight anymore."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, I'm up now so scatter. I'll be down with my clothes in a bit." I waved my hand at her to signal her to leave.

"Twenty minutes." Nikki pulled the dark oak door shut.

I sighed then pushed my blanket off me, I stood up then stretched. My feet dragged over to my closet, sliding the door open and a pile of clothes spewed out. I signed then shoved them all in a trashbag and tied it shut, setting it by the door to pick up on my way out.

My name is Baxter, I'm seventeen and I graduated highschool a year early. I lost all my motivation to do anything after I graduated though, so I'm currently unemployed and picking up landscaping jobs when they're offered to me. Keeps me from not contributing to the table a little bit at least, Matt and Nikki are the main supporters though.

Nikki is studying to be a nurse currently, while she works at our family diner downstairs. She wants me to take over once she finishes her courses, I'll probably accept if she actually offers.  Nikki and Matt are twins, they look opposite but their personalities are exactly the same. Different humor though. Nikki has SUPER dry humor, but Matt is super chill and laughs when he jokes. Both of em are twenty six.

Matt has a dark brown mohawk, he's a little on the chunky side but it fits him cause he's a cop. I give him shit for it all the time but he doesn't mind. He works graveyard from time to time, but usually right before his days off so he sleeps those away.

They both understand my situation well, while we all have the same dad but different moms. My mom died giving birth to me- people think I get upset about it but I don't. I never knew her, sure you could make me feel guilty by pulling the 'she died for you' card but I get over it within the next hour.

As for our dad, the abusive fuck. I guess I accidentally killed him when I was eight, though I have no memory of this. Matt and Nik are the only two that know, and only witnesses. Their story is that I was try to clean the dishes so he would stop yelling at Nik to do them and I had accidentally shattered a glass. He was PISSED so he grabbed my arm and I turned and stabbed him in the gut with the sharp glass.

The two say I didn't have remorse for it but this is why I doubt it happened- 1. he wouldn't have died from just one stab wound. 2. if I had stabbed him once why would I have stopped?. My conclusion is that it's a cover up to how he actually died.

I stretched my arms over my shoulders and twisted my back to hear multiple satisfying pops. I grabbed a navy blue hoodie that was hanging, then pulled a drawer out with my grey jeans, black nike socks, I slapped them on and put deodorant on my way out with the bag of clothes.

"Hey Nik have you seen my shoes?" I yelled out while walking down the hall to the stairs down to the diner.

"Should be by the fire escape-" She called from down stairs then continued to talk on the phone and helping take orders.

I walked around the corner towards the fire escape and slipped my sneakers on, then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair.

I washed my dark brown hair in the sink and dried it with a towel, then let it do it's thing. I brushed, then wiped my face and shut the light off. "Nik I'm ready." I called down the stairs and dragged my bag behind me.

She looked over at me, "Bring the laundry to the car, i'll be out in ten minutes" I sighed, she always says we're gonna go and works for a bit instead.

Complying, I popped the trunk to the 2005 Honda Accord, placed my bag in then went back in to grab the other two. I finished then got in the passenger and played music on the aux.

Lazy (Creepypasta bxb)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora