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(This ^ means thoughts)

Half of Tokyo is being taken over by a girl by the name of Yumi, she is turning Tokyo into her own image, a forest, and if no one stops her than she'll own all of Toyko and soon after, the world. Tokyo has been searching for someone to stop her. And they have found the hero, or is heroes?

-High school, 9th grade classroom-

"See? I solved it. It's not that hard" Ame hands a rubik's cube to a classmate "It's not rocket science." Ame laughs, Melina walks into the classroom

"Ame are you showing off again?" Looks at Ame

He sighs "I am just bored...."

Melina asked "Ok, what is your time on the cube?"

"Well...." He smiles. "One minute and forty seconds."

Teacher walks in. "Excuse me, are you Melina and Ame?"

Melina answers "Yes, why?"

Teacher whispers. "It's about Yumi. Come with me, if you both want a challenge."

"Hmm....." Ame stares at Melina "Are you coming?"

"I don't know she's insane."

Ame stands up "I highly recommend you join us."

Melina sighs "Fine, but only to keep an eye on you" She follows

"Hey, i don't need parenting." They head to the school office

"Yumi has already taken half of Tokyo from us. She is still fighting, we need the tops students to develop a plan with our demon weapons. You may kill her."

"Isn't she our age? Isn't that murder?" Ame asked

"Ame, we only have half of Tokyo left. It's either Yumi or the town. Plus no will miss her when she's gone." Melina answered

"Nah, you got it all wrong. Don't judge a book by it's cover, right? What if she is sweet?"

"Ame, I thought you were smart." Teacher comments

"Excuse me?"

"Anyways, pick a weapon and go get her."

Melina smiles "Nice cover up teach." They look through weapons "Hey wait a minute, these look ancient. Are these used?" Melina asked

Teacher answers "They were used. By demons, but that's just fairy-tail."

"More like horror book. I will take this weapon, it has blood on it." Ame laughs while holding a sword.

Melina rolls her eyes. "Of course you would. I'll take this bow, wait where are the arrows?" Melina looks around

"They're over here." Teacher tosses them "Anyways, it will be a long journey, so I suggest you learn how to hunt. It sounds foolish now but out there.......the other half of Tokyo is all forest."


"Really? I remember, when I was younger, my mom telling me my dad went to the forest but couldn't come back. Could he be there?" Melina asked

Teacher lowers head "Go find out. I wish you both luck."

"So....no homework?" Ame smiles

"Leave Ame."

Melina giggles "Don't worry. I'll give him lectures, like hunting. Because before Yumi took half of Tokyo, I think my family went hunting all of the time. I also can teach him how to use something in his head" Melina says while giving Ame a noogie ^Maybe if he knows what i'm talking about^ "Huh....?" Ame glares "Anyways, we will be back soon." They walk out of school.

~In Yumi's Forest~

"So do you know how to hunt?"

Ame sighs "Nope not a clue." walks into the forest "But i'm fine so far..."

"Well I better show you before you....get....hungry. Wow, for the forest being created by an insane person it looks really beautiful." She says looking around, than something caught her attention "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" Ame keeps walking "I didn't hear a thing-" He pauses "Is....wow.." He laughs nervously "There is a monster!"

"What?! Ame don't just stand there run!" Melina runs

"But it looks so cool-" Ame stares at it, a black monster with red stands up with bright white teeth "...I think your right to run!" He runs after. While Melina was running she found a cave

"Ame! This way we can hide here!" Melina waves Ame, signaling him to the cave

"Alright!" Ame stops for a second "Melina use your arrow!"

"What?! What for!" Melina gives Ame the stupid look that Ame gives her

"Don't you want to see what happens when a demon weapon touches a monsters skin?" Ame looks at Melina seriously

^Really? In a situation like this?^ She sighs than smiles ^That's him^ She lifts up her bow and grabs an arrow from her back, aims it at the monster and lets go. It landed a hit on it's leg, but nothing happened "What?!"

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