First Entry

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I'm so sorry, I couldn't keep you safe Swara, your prince broke his promise. He became a liar. Forgive me.
But as I saw you getting toppled over the cliff my heart stopped beating. I swear Swara, I tried so hard, my best to pull you up but I failed. So I knew, Sanskaar without his Swara simply doesn't exist. I'm your shadow Swara, and a shadow cannot exist without its body. And I knew, either I had to find you, or follow you to the afterlife. So I jumped after you. For a while I feared that I won't find you. I was so panicked. But Gods must have smiled upon us Swara. I found you, alive. Unconscious but still alive.
Trust reflecting in you face is going to haunt me for forever, and your terrified scream is going to keep me awake for many nights.
As you lay unconscious in hospital now, I write my fears to you.
I will wait Swara. Forever if required.

I Will WaitWhere stories live. Discover now