1// bad and good gummies

63 0 1

Marcella Evans

Chapter 1

"This one tastes like shit."

I scrunched up my nose in complete disgust and slung the gummy bear at him. Luciano still kept that smile plastered on his face as he caught the gummy in his mouth.

"I love it when we share saliva, Marcellie."

I chuckled.

"I hope you like the shitty gummy bear because my saliva didn't."

"If your saliva touched it then it tastes good."

I rolled my eyes and then looked around the quaint ice cream parlor that had over a million of Luciano's family members in it for his younger brother's fifth birthday.

"Luciano, your family is here.  That's gross."

His dark brown eyes scrunched together as he laughed deep heartedly.

"Marcellie, one day you'll be part of my family so it won't matter."

Cue the swoon.

I felt my cheeks get hotter by the second as he reached out across the table to grab my hand that was rested on my ice cream cup.  Luciano's brown eyes stared into mine.  "You know that, right?  When I think of my future I think of you.  We're going to be graduating in a few months and we might go off to different places, but I'm serious.  I love you, Marcella."

I smiled softly towards him.

"I know, Luciano.  I don't see anyone else in my future either.  I love you, too."

"It's time for presents, now." yelled an ecstatic birthday boy as he ran around with cake smeared across his face in that adorable way only little kids could pull off.

Luciano slid out of his side of the booth and stood up first, extending a hand towards me to help me up. After taking it, I smiled at him and we gathered around the birthday boy who was practically destroying his gifts with how fast he was going.

Once presents were over with, everyone talked for a little bit before leaving. With the sudden urge to use the restroom, I excused myself from Luciano and his other brother who's a year younger than us. I walked with my head slightly down, not paying attention to what was in front of me, but instead of the messy floor with split ice cream everywhere from the kids.

Out of the blue, I ran right into someone two sizes bigger than me.

"Jeez, it's not every day girls fall literally right into you. Oh wait, it is when you're as hot as I am."

What the heck?

I stared into the eyes of a green eyed, dark haired boy who was wearing an ice cream uniform.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where -"

"I'm all good now that I've met you, sweetheart."

"I have to use the restroom -"

"Need any help in there?"

I glared at him and hissed, "No thanks."

The ice cream boy shrugged and placed his hands in the air.  He frowned slightly.  "It's our workers policy to offer help at any given time.  I'm sorry if I offended you."

"Okay, sorry.  I really have to -"

"Right, I'm deeply sorry.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.  My name is Luke."

Bad Boy, Good BoyWhere stories live. Discover now