the forgoten

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Hailey POV

As I look back at my home town I remember everything I did, The times me and my friends scared the crap out of people and the awesome times when we shot our guns out side on the street and that time we shot a car ,all of that was gone......
It was all destroyed by the infection it took out my whole city and probably the world. I just couldn't take it
anymore.I found my self driving away from all this I saw a gated area and just thought they probably might
help. While i was getting there my car broke down in the middle of the road.
I was about to get their but I rested by a tree cause I was getting light headed. Alot of things passed through my head like" tomorrow is not promised to nobody".
That is when I heard a gun shot and it went past my ear the fucking sound hurt so much but who was the sound from.


Authors notes
This is my first time writing something so I hope you enjoyed the first chapter I suck at writing lol.

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